Rock Dog 2: Rock Around the Park

This movie didn't need a sequel, but I was hoping if it was gonna get one, it wouldn't be as GOD AWFUL as this one. Yikes.

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Lots of potential here, but it all falls apart due to bad writing, acting, and in certain places, bad animation.

The premise is great so I hope the story this is based on is done proper justice one day. For now, I'd say pass on this one.

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The Garfield Movie

This movie is proof that good animation is not all it takes to make a good movie.

This was an agonizing watch. The writing was terrible, and for the love of God, stop hiring Chris Pratt to do voice acting!

It's not "so bad it's good", it's not entertaining, it's not fun, and maybe most of all, it's painfully out of touch.
Again, the animation was good, and kudos to the animation department, but also I'm sorry your hard work was wasted on what is ultimately a pile of garbage.

From an animation fan, don't watch this.

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The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday

Dreamworks is capable of making excellent stuff, like "The Bad Guys". But every so often they turn around and drop something like this on us.

There's almost nothing good to say about this. The only good aspects of "A Very Bad Holiday" are only there thanks to the source material. It's pretty clear to me that the budget for this was very strained, and I'm sure it was rushed as well.

The story makes no sense, the characters look like they're need their joints lubricated, and while I can understand not going with the all-star cast for a short christmas special, the acting that was delivered left a lot to be desired.

I'm glad Dreamworks seems to enjoy this IP and are making more things with it, but in order for it to be good, it needs a certain level of love and care put into it (that includes giving the project a reasonable budget). Unfortunately, love and care was sorely lacking here.

Better luck next time.

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Back to Black

I can't speak on how historically accurate this movie is because I didn't follow Amy's life or career at any point really. I think her voice was great and she could certainly knock out some tunes, that's about as far as my knowledge goes on her.

With that said, nothing about the footage stood out to me as astounding or particularly creative, which could be a conscious choice as to not "get in the way" of the story, although I do tend to prefer a little bit of visual flair regardless.

On the whole, this movie certainly left me with a lot to think about, and that to me points to a well-made piece of art. I do think Amy Winehouse deserves a proper biopic and so I hope this did her justice, but again I simply do not know.

I recommend giving this a watch if you're even mildly interested, but I would advise anyone with drug related trauma to carefully consider whether you should. Back to Black doesn't pull its punches, as one should expect.

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Robot Dreams
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile

Not sure what to make of this one, I like some of what they fleshed out from the original story, for instance, Valenti is not a total villain here, and actually cares about Lyle on some level. I found that a lot of the time the film falls flat on its face and can even be kind of hard to watch. Examples include any time that cat emoted, as well as the "montage" or more appropriately, fancam of moments from the movie itself during its emotional climax.

The animation was surprisingly endearing for a live-action remake so I'll give it that at least. On the whole, I'm just bummed about the missed potential, this could have been much, much better if it weren't for these very avoidable mistakes.

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Five Nights at Freddy's
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
UFO Sweden

The second feature from film collective Crazy Pictures, UFO Sweden definitely is a step up from their first (The Unthinkable, 2018).

We find a more mature writing style, one that lends itself well to a deeper story rather than an effects reel.

CP has a tendency to write protagonists that are hard to root for. Unlike most, I don't think that necessarily makes for a worse movie, but I did find myself questioning the motivations for certain decisions made by the main character.

I was impressed with the acting, especially that of Jesper Barkselius and Sara Shirpey.

For a modern Swedish film, it's a cut above, and I recommend it. Crazy Pictures has more maturing to do, but they're headed in the right direction. I'm excited for whatever comes next.

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That was probably the most suspenseful documentary I've ever seen, even though I knew the outcome from the start. I hope we continue seeing more brave souls like Mr. Snowden step forward and call govenments and agencies out on their complete abuse of power.

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Heart and Yummie

Normally I wouldn't give a movie like this such a high score, it didn't actually blow me away in the sense that a cult classic feature film would. But where it really shone for me was with the artstyle and the voice acting. It's only been a few hours since I watched it and I think I'll be rewatching it a short while after posting this review.

It's yet another example of kids entertainment being done right, because anyone can enjoy it just like a kid would.

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