Deadpool & Wolverine

There’s like 2 or 3 scenes where Hugh Jackman gets to act. Those are pretty good until you realize we’ve seen those beats already in a better movie. Moreover, there are a couple of well executed fights, for example there’s a tracking shot near the end that was definitely a lot of fun. Besides that, I wouldn’t hesitate to call this a schlockfest. The script is so tacky and forced, it makes The Flash seem coherent by comparison. Don’t even try to put any effort in understanding the logic or motivations of characters, even more so than No Way Home the script is just there to link together whatever’s on Reddit’s wishlist. The comedy has only gotten more infantile since Deadpool, it’s self-aware to the point where it becomes extremely irritating. It already knows what people are going to bitch about, but rather than fixing those issues, it just throws them right back at us. Pointing out the lazy cameo porn in your own movie doesn’t mean you get a pass for doing it. Hugh Jackman is a sellout for doing this piece of junk, yes we know mr. Reynolds, very cool. This movie is like a piece of bubblegum, it’ll lose its flavour once the dopamine starts to wear off. There should’ve been way more focus on the relationship between Wade and Logan, as well as the villain (pretty good performance by an underused Emma Corin). That’s the core of the movie, but it’s pushed to the background in favour of being an extended SNL sketch. Technically the film’s not very good either. Shawn Levy still doesn’t know how to shoot a movie, almost everything looks fake and washed out, especially when compared to previous Deadpool installments. The score is entirely forgettable and the basic b*tch needle drops - while ironically funny at points - get a bit eye-rolling. Throughout I just kept thinking about the use of DMX and the more subversive spirit of Deadpool. Why is this movie so much dumber when its audience has matured by eight years? Shouldn’t we push the subversiveness a little bit further with the introduction of shows like The Boys? Clearly it doesn’t hold back in regards to language, drug references or violence, and it even allows for Feige and Disney to poke fun at themselves. However, it all feels watered down and calculated, which essentially renders the character meaningless. Is Disney just too afraid to deconstruct its own bread and butter besides acknowledging that they’re at a low right now? I’d argue you’re not gonna save this genre unless you’re willing to take an honest, critical look at what’s wrong with it. What better character to do that with than the merc with a mouth?


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@jordyep I enjoyed watching the movie for what it is, but I 100% agree with "Pointing out the lazy cameo porn in your own movie doesn’t mean you get a pass for doing it".

So tired of movies using self-awareness to handwave away good writing. I knew I'd be getting that going into it, but it'd be nice if they at least did that while still delivering something extraordinary.

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The Garfield Movie

Reply by Levi

I liked the Catflix videos in the credits, otherwise it was entirely forgettable.

Go and watch one of the other much better animated movies from this year like Inside Out 2 or Robot Dreams, even Kung Fu Panda 4 was a stronger movie which isn't saying a whole lot. It's not in the territory of horrendously terrible in most ways, it's just really not worth the time spent watching this.

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@esseth The fact that Kung Fu Panda 4, with all its behind the scenes nonsense was ultimately a better movie is astounding, I fully agree with you on that.

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Poker Face

Reply by Levi

Who is this show for? Everything is super well made, Natasha is excellent, and the stories are great. But what's the point of watching Natasha solve a crime when we just got to see how it was done? I don't get it, and it's pretty annoying. No mystery, no sleuthing

Bonus: Hank Pecker reference in ep3

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That's actually the very thing that hooked me on the show, I like seeing /how/ she lands at the correct conclusion, that's where all the tension lies IMO. The crime itself is only a part of the story, the payoff is following Charlie as she picks up all the missing pieces along the way.

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The Bad Guys

All these American animation studios keep proposing "children" (often driven to these movies only due to the abnormal strictness of UK and US film censorships) the same stuff over an over. Yet again anthropomorphic animals, yet again the American silly moralism between good and bad, a plot which does not spark any interest, and also a lackluster animation style. For children and grownups alike, to see good animations go to Japan.

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@obione_tdg I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until you said "lackluster animation style". :joy:

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Promising Young Woman

“Can you guess what every woman's worst nightmare is?”

You know, I find it genuinely concerning that some people are angry and upset over this movie. I mean, just look on IMDB. Film is subjective and it’s OK not to like this movie, but the thing I don’t understand is why certain people are upset with the themes this movie appropriately presents. Even through deep inside I know why. If it scares them, good, because they deserve to be scared.

‘Promising Young Woman’ is a rare revenge movie that crosses several genres with one sharp sweep. Some parts are funny, other times it’s romantic, but it can get DARK really quick. I thought the way it was executed was creative and interesting. It shocked me at times with its twist and turns, even though it shouldn’t be surprising. The world can be so dark and treacherous that being surprised by its twisted ways is a bit foolish. Certain elements felt realistic, while other elements of the movie felt...well, like a movie.

It’s nice to see that Carey Mulligan’s career is getting better and better. In this movie Mulligan delivers an amazing performance that was captivating to watch. It’s difficult to imagine an actor playing a character who is dealing with so much emotional baggage and vulnerability from past events in her life, but tries her best to conceal it, but Mulligan manages to find the right balance. She can be extremely funny, emotional, and really intimidating. Her drunk acting deserves some praise as well, because within the movie her character pretends to be drunk in bars or nightclubs, to trick “nice guys” who want take advantage on her intoxicated vulnerability, before she drops the act to scare them enough to teach them a lesson. The transformation from drunk to sober was nothing short of impressive.

I was surprised to see Bo Burnham here and it’s great seeing him getting acting roles. He is a man of many talents; comedy is one of them and in this movie he never fails to make me smile. Alison Brie and Alfred Molina are also in this movie and both did a great job in their small roles.

I give this movie major credit for being unpredictable. I would sometimes try to guess where the story might be heading, to only have the rug pulled right under me.

It was an interesting choice to cast likeable actors in the roles of predators and despicable people. The movie smartly suggests that people like these can easily hide their sinister side through a fake smile and popularity.

Now I’m being vague about certain things because I’m hoping what I’ve said so far might boost your interest in checking this one. I’m starting to do that now, going in blind and leaving impressed (hopefully).

Director and writer Emerald Fennell did a solid job on delivering a fresh and unique take on a brutal topic with extreme care on the subject matter. This is also her direct debut and everything I’ve seen on screen shows great potential for her as a filmmaker in the future. The look of the movie has that candy-like colour to it, which made the movie look visually appealing to the eye. Revenge has never looked so colourful.

Without spoiling the ending for the movie, but the way it concludes is very strange and rare. I was both sad and happy at the same time. However, it can also make or break the movie for some, while I was kind of mixed on it. Some parts of the ending were realistic, as it was a cold reminder for us that sometimes justice isn’t always severed.

Unfortunately, this is where my issues start to come in. When I said some parts of the ending was dark and realistic, well to me it didn’t quite commit to that with the last few minutes of the movie. I just wished they took more of a real approach to conclude the conflict that could be plausible. I also thought the movie was a little on the nose with its social message at times.

And that’s really it for issues. What, you expected more? Surprise!

Overall rating: Revenge is best severed in confetti and rainbow colours.

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@bradym03 I've kind of started to notice that there are particular kinds of people who tend to leave written reviews on IMDb. Not universally true of course but any time there's a tough subject that confronts the viewer, there's often a massive backlash on IMDb.

I agree with pretty much everything you said here, it's a great movie :smile:

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Reply by Levi

Amazing. I'm pretty sure this is the first adult-focused cartoon that's not edgy.

If you don't agree this is for adults, watch all the Peter Potamus parts again.

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@mneko I don't disagree it's for adults, but it's just as much for kids, make no mistake.

The cool thing about cartoons over the past few decades is they're increasingly letting go of the idea that just because you make a children's show you have to exclude everyone else. It's a great show :100:

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Wish Dragon

Reply by Levi

Aladdin much? Not a hint of originality, nor songs.

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@zoloft It's very much an intentional adaptation of Aladdin. I should however point out based on your comment about "songs" that Disney did not create the story of Aladdin. It comes from a collection of middle-eastern stories called "One Thousand and One Nights" which had its first print in the year 1775.

Disney's Aladdin has major cultural significance in modern day, but people should be free to put a new spin on the original story should they choose to.

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