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Philadelphia, Earth-818793


It really, really, realllly gets close to fully disproving the idea that repetition is comedy - think how Archer does things but instead of obscure references to literature its references to Canada and some questionable hockey lingo with next to no evolution to the repeated joke - and I think if these were 10 or, god forbid, 20 episode seasons I would not like it at all because of that, but criticism of the subjectivity of Canadian humor aside, good god does this show know how to shoot a fuckin' hockey scene. All of the hockey is filmed great, but there are three or four hockey scenes in this that are more goosebumps inducing and cinematic than anything you have ever seen in any other medium.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

There is an alternate reality where the prequel trilogy was actually Episode 1: Revenge of the Sith, Episode 2: A Two Hour Cut of the Obi-Wan Miniseries, and then Episode 3: Rogue One, and in that alternate reality we probably have world peace, flying cars, and universal health care. Instead we have a mostly average and stretched out Obi-Wan miniseries, too much Star Wars, and no Jobs or Cash. I might have lost the analogy there at the end.

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The Curious Case of Natalia Grace

This is the most 'true crime podcast' documentary of all the true crime documentaries and I mean that in as strong a pejorative way as possible. One of the most exploitative structures I've seen in one of these. If this was a fictional series structured in this way and with this tone I would think it was written exclusively by people who saw that "ok murder muffins we got a real oopy goopy spoopy story for you today" anti-true crime genre tweet and decided to turn that attitude into an entire show. But its not fictionalized, which just makes it even worse to do it this way. It's so bad that, if we lived in a world where the average person had actual media literacy, it would kill the genre as a whole.

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The Strain

The worst protagonist since that waifish dude they had play King Arthur in Camelot.

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