


Promising Young Woman

I've just watched this for the second time, and I enjoyed it just as much. Though I think I'd like to have seen more on Nina's story

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I'm a miserable cow, and it made me laugh out loud several times, so I can't rate it at any lower than 9. Made my mum laugh too! It's a good film, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and if you go into it knowing that, then you probably won't be disappointed. We both enjoyed it.

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Struck by Lightning

Slightly ashamed to admit that I really liked this! I'm usually a miserable, hard cow, but I did find myself tearing up a bit at the end of this and I've no idea why! It was a really good film, there weren't any parts that I became bored with.

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Not sure why everyone's comparing Lou's character to Liam Neeson's.

I think it was a good film, kept me interested even though I wasn't paying full attention at the beginning of it, and had enough twists and action to keep me entertained, without being too OTT. And it was nice to see Allison Janney in an ass-kicking role!

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Violent Night

I loved it. It had some moments that made me laugh out loud at the silliness of it all, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Definitely worth a watch if you're into comedy horrors.

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Bad Education

I love most things with Allison Janney in, this is no exception. It's a good film, I was really surprised to see at the end that its based on a true story. Oh and an extra star for having Dido's White Flag as the end credits song and reminding me of my teenagehood!

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Roald Dahl's The Witches

I liked it. I loved the original when I was little, although I found it terrifying, so I was curious to see what this remake would be like. It was interesting to see Anne Hathaway in a less-than-beautiful role! Comparing it to the original, there are some changes, I was a little disappointed that it had moved from Cornwall UK, to Alabama US, but I think it worked well. I don't think it was as scary as the original, but that might be because I'm now an adult haha. I'd say it's worth a watch, if you go into it with an open mind.

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The Alpha Test

I actually really liked it!

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Berlin Syndrome

Shout by Donna
BlockedParent2018-01-10T23:48:42Z— updated 2018-01-17T23:24:19Z

I enjoyed this, in that it kept me in suspense and I was desperate to know what happened next. However, by the end I was a bit disappointed, as there were a couple of glaring plot holes and questions that weren't answered. The ending felt kind of rushed, and for the sake of about 10 extra minutes, maybe even 5, they could have tied it all up a bit better, without leaving us wondering X, Y and Z.

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Room for Rent

This was surprisingly entertaining. Definitely needs a sequel though!

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It started off pretty good, and then I just lost interest completely. I don't really know what happened, it just got really boring!

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The New Mutants

I thought it was alright. I didn't realise it was related to x men as I've not seen any of the franchise, but as s standalone film I thought it was OK, kept me entertained for an hour or so.

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Three words to describe this film: BITCHES BE CRAZY!

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I thought it was alright, nothing too exciting, but kept me occupied for a couple of hours. One glaring error in this film though: where are all these kids' parents?! Only the first girl seemed to have parents, there was not one mention of any of the others, and you would think that with everything that's going on in their town, parents would want to keep an extra eye on their kids! Other than that, I could kind of suspend my disbelief.

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Patient Seven

It's a Shutter Island wannabe! It was an ok film, kept me interested for about the first hour. I was a bit disappointed with the ending though, as it made the whole thing a bit of a cop-out.

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I mean, I can't say I hated it, just that it was very weird. But I don't know how on earth it is only rated a 15.

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Remember Me

Fucking weird film lol, that is all I can say!

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Shout by Donna

I liked it, but the last 5 or 10 minutes ruined it for me, as there was no explanation to the intruder's behaviour whatsoever, and nothing about what happened to the kids after the parents were killed! I know not every film can be tied up neatly with a bow, but they could have made a better ending than that!

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Dartmoor Killing

Anyone got any thoughts on what the ending means?

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The Assistant

I absolutely love Julia Garner, but I'm sad to say I found this a bit boring :(

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Alice, Darling

I was expecting a lot more from this. Very slow and boring, it finished and I was left thinking "wtf".

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John and the Hole

Shout by Donna

Can't believe I wasted 1 hour and 43 mins of my life on this. I kept waiting for something to happen and it never really did. And what was with the other little girl? Was it meant to portray the absolute opposite of John? Very bizarre film.

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Last Night in Soho

I don't even know what to make of this. It's very difficult to pinpoint a genre, and is kind of all over the place. I was sat here thinking "wtf" for most of it! I quite liked the ending though, so that redeems it a bit.

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Safer at Home

I mean, yes they all made really bad decisions, but I didn't totally hate it, it kept me entertained for an hour and a half.

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The Runaways

I really wanted to like it, but it was all a bit far fetched to be honest. No proper ending, and the donkeys kept disappearing and re-appearing at will, whenever they were/weren't required for a scene, which kind of made it harder for me to suspend my disbelief!

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Shout by Donna

I really struggled to finish this, which is a bit disappointing as I usually love stuff with Kathryn Prescott in. It was just dull and the storyline a bit slow and pointless.

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Does anyone know what accent the main female character in this film is meant to have? Her accent was so muddled, I'd say it was a cross between Irish and American, and possibly something else too! I found it very distracting though, as it was quite a dull film anyway and so I struggled to keep watching till the end.

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The Open House

Seriously disappointed in this film, it was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, where they left every single question unanswered, and ruined the whole film. No mention of who the person in the open house was, or of their motives! Absolute rubbish.

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Anyone know why this episode hasn't aired yet? The episodes were monthly up until July, when everything seems to have just halted.

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It was pretty rubbish. The best bit was Iwan Rheon's character trying to shoo a 90% dead fox out of the kitchen , the rest of it was just dull.

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