Luis León

1 follower

Mexico City, Mexico City

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x05 Lights. Camera. Sparks?!

I hadn't been liking this series, but this episode was amazing!

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

And there it is. The first great episode of the season.

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Nathan for You: 3x05 Smokers Allowed

This is The Rehearsal episode 0

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House of the Dragon: 1x07 Driftmark

What an amazing episode. This was peak TV.

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Inside Job: 1x01 Unpresidented

The best pilot I've seen in a while

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x04 Memento Mori

I wasn't too crazy about this.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why

Wow, is this really a good Marvel show?

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Moon Knight: 1x02 Summon the Suit

Much, much better than the first episode.

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Star Trek: 2x06 The Doomsday Machine

Star Trek did the Death Star before it was cool!

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Star Trek: 1x27 The Alternative Factor

Loved the concept for this one.

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What If...?: 1x09 What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?
What If...?: 1x08 What If… Ultron Won?

Well, there goes my hope this stayed as an anthology series. It's okay, I guess. I don't really like how the Watcher is portrayed in here. Let's see how the ending pans out.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x05 The Ninth Jedi

A 20 minute episode is far more interesting and endearing than a whole trilogy of movies. I really hope this gets expanded into a full series!

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x03 The Twins

Incredible! That's what animation and creativity can get you!

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Star Trek: 1x24 This Side of Paradise

I liked the whole part with Kirk feeling alone in the ship. It gives a different glimpse at the Enterprise and the dynamic between characters.

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Star Trek: 1x23 A Taste of Armageddon

Pretty interesting episode and concept behind it all.

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Star Trek: 1x21 The Return of the Archons

Can't believe they turned 2013's The Purge into a 1960's episode of Star Trek!

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Star Trek: 1x13 The Conscience of the King

I was making a list with my favorite Star Trek episodes so far, but now I've seen so many I've loved it became irrelevant. I'm becoming increasingly in love with this series.

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Star Trek: 1x10 The Corbomite Maneuver

Amazing episode! Felt so much tension throughout it all.

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Star Trek: 1x08 Miri

I like the idea behind this episode but it's extremely uncomfortable watching Kirk being a pedo.

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Star Trek: 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?

A much more action-oriented episode with more dynamic shots than usual! Pretty exciting overall and kept me at the edge of my seat constantly. The giant reminded me of the "To Serve Man" episode from The Twilight Zone.

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Star Trek: 1x06 Mudd's Women

A very interesting episode. It delves into slavery, sexism and beauty standards. Yes it's somewhat boring at least in the first half, but it's curious nontheless. My only problem is that even though it "condems" sexism in a way that makes the men in this episode question whether they want a "fake" woman that appeases their desires or a "real woman" it does so basing it off in the ideal that a "true woman" must be serviceable, cook and cry. So yes, it's a progressive episode in a way, but also very rooted in many old-fashioned ideas. Still, a thought-provoking episode given the context of the original airing. I would like to think this is as "far" as they could go, yet, I'm in awe at what Star Trek got away with in every episode, and I'm still just in the beginning of the series.

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Star Trek: 1x05 The Enemy Within

Probably my favorite episode so far excluding the pilot. I'm impressed with William Shatner's acting!

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x05 The Tall Grass

I like the metaphor. I think the story fits very well the short format, though it somehow feels slightly undeveloped.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x06 All Through the House

A fun one. Very good microfiction.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x03 Pop Squad

The best one till now. Very Blade Runner-esque (the ending is just screaming "hey, 'member that movie?") but still pretty interesting.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x01 Automated Customer Service

Very uninspired and predictable. Off to a bad start.

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

So unnecesary. I'll be in the extreme minority here but I think it was uncalled for. The point of the series was to build something apart from the movies and it just started having guest appearance after guest appearance and well... I'm out of here. I just lost all interest in the series. Apart from that, I guess it was a well directed episode. I just don't agree with the decision to have that character in the series.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x04 Crazy Diamond

What a mess. Started all right but then it starts making no sense. Very bad editing and direction overall.

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Rick and Morty: 4x06 Never Ricking Morty

First Rick & Morty episode I really enjoyed in a very long time.

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