

Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x16 Bar Association

With Rom being a nincompoop charisma void, the "and everybody clapped" aspects to it, and comparing Rom to Armin Shimerman's exemplary performance as Quark, it's kind of hard to feel anything for the "good team" this episode. It's an okay episode, but it's nothing remarkable, and I can see a boardroom of investors jeering at this, and I can't see myself mustering a rebuke, as it's a pretty lame effort at a rousing worker triumph story.

It doesn't help that Rom still comes off as a (wholly ineffectual, weak, unsuited) sniveling opportunist lacking any empathy, despite realizing afterward that he did it for everyone else and that he'd finally actually be better off out from under his brother's thumb. I still ended up much more invested in the effects on Quark's character growth, despite never siding with him until the end.

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The Strain: 3x02 Bad White

Very strong intro and ending. I love it when the show goes full edge, and the opening scene was again darkly funny with just how evil it was.

I don't know if the show is making me stupid or what, but I was actually caught a little off guard with
Palmer's plan
. So, good job, I guess.

I don't know why they continue to think that anyone cares about Zach and Kelly.

It's annoying that this show has no nudity, given how explicit it is with gore, and how mediocre the drama can be. It's coy it feels patronizing.

Side note: the specials for the first and second season can be really funny. The cast and crew were clearly having a lot of fun making them.

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The Strain: 3x01 New York Strong

Just when I was starting to just more than tolerate Gus, he does something that stupid.

Quinlan is still great. Ephraim is doing about as well as you'd expect, and society seems to be fully in early apocalypse siege quarantine mode.

No Palmer or Dutch this episode. Fett gets some pretty badass scenes.

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The Strain: 2x10 The Assassin
The Strain: 2x07 The Born

The logic of basic actions is starting to go in this show, but the new character's introduction(s) were really well shot for this show—especially for the nest sequence. The lighting and cinematography were great, and the actor's delivery and presence is fantastic.

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The Strain: 2x05 Quick and Painless

One thing I like about this show is that on at least a couple of occasions, I've been talking at the screen for the character to do something, and the show actually lets them do it. The first time was Ephraim strapping down the infected husband, which was hilarious to me, as I find it hard to take the dramatic moments seriously in this show, especially when you know exactly what's about to happen, and it's a nobody character. There's another instance of this in this episode where the show just says "Fuck it. You know what? Let's do it", and it's pretty satisfying. It's actually a pretty engaging and evenly well executed episode overall, so one of the best so far.

Eldritch is actually one of the more interesting characters in the show, in no small part thanks to Jonathan Hyde, and that devious mastermind types can be a lot of fun. And he really gets to go all out Lord Farquad in this one, and Miss Marchand continues to court fire.

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The Strain: 2x04 The Silver Angel

I'm currently watching the Netflix adaptation of Borgia and Ruta Gedmintas (Dutch) shows up as Ursula Bonadeo, but the guest stars list is missing on this site, so The Borgias doesn't show up in her credits. So, if you wanted more of her, she shows up early in the first season, starting at Lucrezia's wedding.

This was a decent episode, and did a good job of making me give a shit about Gus. He flirts with some waitress who is simply jawdroppingly gorgeous, and butts heads with a dishwasher who played General Madrano in Quantum of Solace. There's a pretty neat Mexican wrestling black and white hero film sequence they filmed for this. I assume that means Angel will play a part later in the show.

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The Borgias: 1x05 The Borgias in Love

The river will be grateful for him your eminence; it loves a skewered corpse.

Vengeance is not the same as justice, but it can sometimes stop further trespass.

That shared smirk was satisfying to behold.

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The Borgias: 1x04 Lucrezia's Wedding
The Strain: 1x09 The Disappeared

Funny. This was the best episode so far, without question. The WWII flashback was actually quite good.

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The Strain: 1x08 Creatures of the Night

Still quite mid, but there was actual, intentional humor this time, all delivered by Kevin Durand, as well as some unintentional bits of gory silliness.

Setrakian is so fucking lame. I seriously hope they pare down his role for the rest of the series, as nothing he says is delivered with the appropriate gravitas, probably thanks to the terrible overall production and writing. The dude has the charisma of a dried up piece of chewing tobacco.

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The Strain: 1x07 For Services Rendered

Ooo, a new, mysterious faction is introduced. Actually pretty neat.

It's still bad, and it's still binge-able, but I'd say this was the best episode yet thanks to plot developments reaching a certain point. It really should have only taken to about episode 4 or 5 to get here, though.

The Nazi concentration camp flashbacks finally actually come to something, with some of the only interesting character work yet on the show.

Also, the Luss family and Co. finally get to actually act. Even the little girl, this time. Must have been the fault of direction last episode, because the little girl was actually pretty convincing this time, and acted appropriately.

Also, the dad was about the first person to have acted how a normal person would in response to seeing an infected growling and running at them.

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The Borgias: 1x02 The Assassin

Peter Falk reading the tale of Rodrigo Borgia to a young Fred Savage:

,,And the old lecher went for it the very same day".

I’ve already mentioned how enchanting I find Holliday Grainger’s Lucrezia, but Lotte Verbeek’s Giulia Farnese and Lucrezia together in the same scene, and the manner they both adopt in response to the other, is simply wonderful to watch.

Colme Feore's (Giuliano Della Rovere) subtle initial dawning, and final, reactions to Borgia's declaration in session near the end were great to watch.

It is funny the number of redheads whose characters have Italian surnames in the cast, though. Still, I'll definitely take this Borgia adaptation over the other since it doesn't start with a young woman being bludgeoned to death on screen. That, and I just cannot take the guy they cast as Borgia seriously. He's fine as Carmine Falcone. This Borgia still retains a certain degree of muted impact even whilst showing its bloody brutality. And there is a fair bit of blood in this episode.

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The Strain: 1x05 Runaways

The more I think about the organism and infection-and-transformation mechanics, the neater the concept feels. I also know things are going other, mythological places thanks to a YT video I partially watched which made me aware of this show's existence in the first place.

The action continues to feel thin and very 2010s FX network fare, and I've started micro-skipping through the flashback/filler scenes, and I've found myself laughing at some of the "serious" or gory bits, but the premise and where it will lead makes for a diverting trash-watch.

ps. unintentionally funny scene

At right about the 30-minute mark, where the lawyer mom is creepily sniffing her kids (agian! lol), it's hilarious how the cute daughter is just blithely not reacting at all to what's happening. The little boy was doing his best to look terrified and like he was trying to keep his cool, but like, the only acting that's going on on her part is that she's not giggling. Just a placidly smiling little girl being sniffed by her ferally predatory, red-eyed monster mom. She's like this the whole time. (Checks guest star list: Only acting credit is this.)

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The Strain: 1x04 It's Not for Everyone

"It's not for everyone"

Yeah, that's this show.

It's not good, but it's definitely one of those "One more episode..." shows, like La Casa De Papel or, I'm guessing 24, but I never watched that because it was already too far in at the time.

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Pacific Rim

I was legitimately bewildered at the beginning when watching this film. I knew it was a big, dumb, Hollywood "robot vs Ameri-kaiju" film, so I was expecting bombastic and mid-brow, but it was so incredibly nonsensical and lacking in all self-awareness that I felt like I was watching a genuine satire (like Starship Troopers) but knew they'd never allow it to have that much meaning.

And of course, no... it really was just that stupid. I give most of these things a pass in theatres, but watching it later at home I couldn't believe how stupid it is. That said, Rinko Kikuchi and Idris Elba do their best as fine actors in their prime, but little Mako is the one that really steals the show, performance-wise. Have you seen a more convincing performance from someone acting next to nothing (CGI monster)? Everything else is just so, so, dumb, and, to me, boring. A robot fighting a giant alien sea monster had me skipping through the climactic battle.

Sorry, film. I'm not nine years old anymore, and you've got nothing else going for you by the end.

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The Strain: 1x01 Night Zero
Dumb Money

I wish someone would have told me about the absolutely putrid ghetto trash music queues this film likes to spring on the viewer. It's not even in any way clever or relevant, or cheeky—it's just debased and crude, ironically from another conspiracy by elites to enable and anchor African American culture and everyone born after a certain point into self-defeating ignorance and degeneracy after the rap of the 1990s started bringing up legitimate grievances and social issues in the Black, urban communities, and systemic problems in the American social and carceral system. Can't have social awareness! That's bad for control of the peons.

Anyway, this story isn't over, but my attempt to watch this film is. It wasn't for me, anyway. I already know the thesis and am ready for this rocket to blow.

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Godzilla Minus One
Queen of the Damned
The Borgias: 1x01 The Poisoned Chalice

This is such a compelling pilot. I know it's not historically accurate to the personages it dramatizes, but it's delicious. This (fictional) role of Rodrigo Borgia was practically made for Irons. Despite being so Machiavellian, I actually found the members and the overall familial dynamic to be remarkably cozy, and it does a lot of the heavy lifting with making clan Borja sympathetic; that, and it's essentially a lascivious guilty pleasure, lead by Irons' shamelessly rapacious aging cardinal.

François Arnaud is a suavely charming Cesare, and Holliday Grainger is simply a delight every moment she's on screen. Put them together, with the clear adoration and incestuous overtones, and you've got a wholesomely innocently flavored taboo side dish to the buffet of lechery, scheming, and murder. I don't care for this kind of stuff in pretty much any other setting-- especially modern or "sci-fi", but when it's an indulgent soap opera set in the middle ages around the papal throne, sign me up for seconds.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x22 Cogenitor
Alita: Battle Angel
Andromeda: 2x16 In Heaven Now Are Three

One good guest star performance, but otherwise there's nothing here of value.

Stop me if you've heard this one before-- "Team of White adventurers with loyal trickster aliens/elf/tiefling prove virtue to win McGuffin ~relic~ from hunter-gatherer guardian natives through triumph of will (implied mortal combat melee weapon brawl)".

Perhaps the tropiest episode of Andromeda, if not one of the most banally eye-roll inducing episodes of sci-fi television of the era.

  • cringy college girl fanfic writing
  • No Harper
  • 30 seconds of Tyr
  • No Andromeda or Rommie
  • bad FX
  • cheap soundstage

Laura is always great, though, and the guest star alien is played delightfully by Brendan Beiser, and it's fun to watch them play off of each other. Just skip to watch both scenes they're in. Timecodes: 13:28 and 35:09

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Andromeda: 2x15 Dance of the Mayflies

Don't read the synopsis if you didn't already. I had forgotten what initially happens after the opening, so it was a surprise.

This works a lot better than you would think from the main action trope in play. This episode feels like it actually had a fairly decent budget; despite mostly taking place onboard the ship, there are a good number of space CGI scenes. The voice effect is a bit hokey, but the fight scene between redacted and redacted was much better than the average fight scene on this show; and what's more, it was directed and edited so well that I couldn't even spot the stunt doubles despite knowing there must have been extensive stunt player work.

But it's the main character moments, dialogue, and direction/cinematography that make this one great. The ending is weighed down by some sappiness about love being everlasting, but Rommie's internal conflict is enjoyable to watch, and the way Andromeda (Hologram) teases Tyr about not being entirely bloodthirsty is the closest thing to sexual tension that you could ask for between the two, and Lexa's eyebrow work is amusing and tantalizing in equal measure.

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Andromeda: 2x14 Be All My Sins Remembered

I'm getting the feeling that women who wrote science fiction episodes around the millennium had nothing but terrible exes. Anyway, the dialogue and intrigue in this was as good as the cyborg prosthetics. Bad. What I'm saying is that it was bad.

Still, the command hand-off scene to Tyr with Rommie and Dylan was great. And Lisa looked good in the flashback wig. Also, Trance is in this for all of like 30 seconds, which is kind of a tip off of how good the episode is gonna be.

I'm gonna make a pairing list.

Tyr & Rommie= A++
Tyr & Harper= A-S
Tyr & Rev /+Harper= A++
Tyr snarling/flexing/walking with a big fucking gun= Bwaaaarrrh!
Tyr & Dylan (scene) = A
Tyr & Dylan (episode) = C
Tyr & guest star= C-A+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (scene) = A
Dylan, Bekka, Harper, Trance, Rev, Tyr, Rommie= A/A+
Harper & Trance= B+/A+
Harper, Trance, & Rommie= A
Trance alone: A+
Rommie alone: A/A+
Rommie & Trance /+Harper= A+
Bekka, Harper (episode) : A
Bekka and guest star= B+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (episode) = B
Dylan and Rommie= C/F
Dylan and guest star= B-D
Dylan, Harper, Bekka= B/C

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Andromeda: 2x13 Lava and Rockets

Filler, and only mildly offensive, with some cheesy dialogue and Dylan getting a romantic subplot (blech). Tyr gets some character development, and it's always fun when he gets paired with Rommie.

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Underworld: Awakening