Andraž Novak

1 follower

Omicron Persei 8


Yes, it does not have a deep and interesting character progression. Yes, it fails some (many?) scientific explanations.
Never-the-less, it's a great drama with a heartbreaking message.

It bears strong resemblance to the movie Dunkirk.

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Remarkable good movie.
Jump-scares? Nope. Gruesome scenes? Nope. Childrens crying or screaming? Nope. Rain and thrunder? Nope.
It does NOT have properties of common wannabe horrors but instead focuses on the horror of unknown.

I am not a horror person but I certanily enjoyed Pandorum!

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Black Crab

Absolutely no context or explanation, characters are extremely one dimensional with no background or story; "Edh (lead) missing her daughter" is the only so called "story".

VFX is good but that is the only redeeming quality of this movie.

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Absolutely terrible. It has a good cast and possibly decent story (as overused as it is) but the actual movie is terrible.

From an axe breaking APC's window in a single hit, "elite" soldier going and bringing a girl inside an APC against orders and any kind of logic, hundreds of people hiding in a two-story building without noticing them and yet depicting them as savages...

It is plagued by stupid "mistakes", or better called "fuckups" that make the story more "engaging?".

I would highly discourage anyone from watching UNLESS you only want some zombie action without any story, development or common sense

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The Cloverfield Paradox

Good acting and nice visual effect but the "plot?" manages to ruin it.
It's a good movie if you do not care about anything even remotely connected to science. It has nothing to do with cloverfield or a paradox. Story is ful of unanswerable holes with no character progression. The ending (last 5 minutes) ruin the story even if you do not care about any downsides mentioned

It's a fun watch for shutting down your brain and watching a nonsense space sci-fi.

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6 Underground

It's stupid, reduculous and unbelievably over-the-top with amazing music.
I loved it.

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Ghost in the Shell

Having not (yet) watched original this movie is great action/sci-fi. It is well made with great actors for roles. Recommended if you are looking for a light weekend action movie.

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The Conjuring

This is one of the worst horrors I never want to watch again. It has some jump scares and a good plot/history. And no unnecessary dragging story around.
I am not a fan of horrors but decided to make an exception for one of the best rated horrors of all time. I am glad I watched it and really regret watching in a dark room at 11pm...

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The movie has a plausible story but events after 2/3 of the movie were a huge turn-off for me. For spoilers look at other review.

In the first 2/3 I would rate the movie a solid 7-8/10 but after said events/story my rating falls off to a meager 6.

tldr; It's an entertaining movie with some unnecessary twists...

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Science fiction, action and somewhat a thriller/horror. It deliveres what it promises in a light-hearted slightly Lovecraftian horror way.
No loose ends wrap everything quite nicely.

tldr; An excellent move when you want an action with a bit of horror.

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Sucker Punch

One of the most underrated movies I have watched. Came for the titties stayed for the story which hit closer to home than expected.

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Assassin's Creed

As many have said, the movie as an adaptation of a part of the game. The story is not explained rather the viewer is simply thrown into it - without having knowledge of AC games the viewer is left confused.
The movie is not bad, but the story has no flow, no start and no ending - it is clumsly skipped and forcefully thrown together at a pathetic attempt of an ending.

If you played the games (primarily the first one) or are looking for action movie without a story it's a good time-killer.

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Dream House

I have never heard of this movie until I started watching it. It was on TV and I had nothing else to watch so I decided to give it a go.

It was surprisingly good and kept my attention throughout the movie. Allthough I have seen better movies, Dream House is definitely worth watching.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

It has been a long time since I have laughed from my hart as much as in this movie. The actors are amazing.
Do not forget that this movie is more of comedy action! Recommended :)

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Wind River

One of the rare movies that brought a tear to my eyes. That has not happened for over a year.

Very touching story with great acting. It makes you think for days to come.
Apart from specific unimportant flaws (like rifle bullet throwing a grown man back on the ground) the movie is great.

It depicts a crime out in the wilderness in Native-American society. The landscape shots are great and real eyecandy.


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