Lydia Mitchell



The Family Law: 2x01 New Beginnings

They've really ramped up Jenny's misuse of English, its nearly too heavy handed to be funny.

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iZombie: 3x09 Twenty-Sided, Die

As a fan of D&D this episode was heaps of fun to watch.

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Suburgatory: 3x08 Catch and Release

The one with an elaborate musical number.

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Suburgatory: 3x05 Blame It on the Rain Stick

Tessa is not a good friend, and desperate enough to ignore the fact she's joined a cult.

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Made of Honor

This movie was one of those uncomfortable, generic romantic comedies where the protagonist behaves in a wholly creepy matter to manipulate win the love interest over at the end. The plot is pretty flimsy, the chemistry between the leads almost non-existent. Dempsey does a good job of being charming, but even that isn't enough to save this movie.

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Simply Irresistible

If only to be a fly on the wall when this movie was pitched. A romcom about food and a magical crab? This movie has is entirely of its time, and its not necessarily a good thing, visually its 90s af, but its also forgettable. Not a bad film, its still watchable, if only for the crab.

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Van Helsing

Bumped up the rating a notch for nostalgia but hoo boy the special effects did not age as well as I remembered. The acting is also less than you'd expect from such a cast, largely due to the silly accents. However it is a fun, over-the-top supernatural action/ comedy with some beautiful scenes.

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Confessions of a Shopaholic

A fairly formulaic chick flick saved by Isla Fisher's slightly whacky sense of comedy.

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

Really enjoyable, but only because it's so bad it's laugh-out-loud funny. It starts off reasonably well (even if it is a bit paranormal teen days of our lives) and then its a rapid slide downhill from there.

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Valentine's Day

This movie continues in the tradition of films focused on particular holidays begun by Love Actually. Featuring a series of vignettes of intertwined relationships on Valentine's Day in Los Angeles. Whilst there are plenty of familiar faces, this movie can't really measure up to the success of its predecessor. Despite this, its still a fun and light-hearted romantic comedy.

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Thos whole film can be summarised as peculiar. If it is attempting to replicate slapstick British humour for the American audience then somehow it misses it's mark. A star studded cast can't redeem this bizarre escapade and even stranger characters. It is at times entertainin, but not in a so-bad-its-good way.

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The Nanny: 3x20 Where's the Pearls?

Or the one in which Fran develops Amnesia. Fun celebrity cameos from Liz Taylor and Rosie O'Donnell

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The Nanny: 3x17 Val's Boyfriend

This is the mustard episode you may have seen on YouTube.

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The Vampire Diaries: 8x03 You Decided That I Was Worth Saving

Damon has been stuck reading 50 shades of Grey for the last two episodes, hillarious.

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The Vampire Diaries

Fundamentally a teen soap with a paranormal bent. Other writers have far more adequately addressed the flaws of this show already so I won't repeat them here.

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The Nanny: Special 2 Oy to the World - An Animated Christmas Special

Well this episode was surreal.

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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The paranormal love triangle is in full swing now. A cash register goes cha-ching for every scene where Jacob is contractually obliged to be shirtless. Every movie Edward becomes more controlling of Bella, which is frustrating. Victoria is played by a different actress, who is less likeable, despite Bryce Dallas Howards' acting prowress. Bella's makeup is better in this movie, she looks less dead though.

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River Monsters: 8x02 Death Down Under

I've never heard Jeremy cuss so much before :D

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon

This movie has beautiful scenery. It takes all the really dumb, emo bits from Romeo & Juliet and makes a two hour teen movie about poor life decisions about them. I will concede that this film is a winner for all fans of shirtless dudes with rippling abs though.

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Masters of Sex: 1x06 Brave New World

Poor Margaret, she needs a hug. And the sexual revolution of the 70s.

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Masters of Sex: 1x02 Race to Space

It's an unusual show that makes you dislike one of the key characters in the second episode.

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The Forbidden Kingdom

A Hong Kong Kung Fu movie made for western audiences.

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L!fe Happens

A bit predictable and certainly no knockout, but still satisfying.

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Time to Love

I'm not sure if something has been lost in translation with the English subtitles but the pacing seems erratic, like large parts of the plot are missing. An understanding of Chinese history before watching probably helps. The production quality also seems lower than other adaptations of the book or even other Chinese historical dramas. I also found the lead character to be entirely unlikable and a little bit twee.

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Knights of Badassdom

So bad it's funny. Cliche plot, lots of cameos and a fun/ silly watch if you're into geek subcultures like LARPing or DnD.

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The Other Boleyn Girl

Fantastic drama and superb acting. Was surprised by the number of familiar faces. Portman's Boleyn is charismatic and intensely unlikeable, her finale was amongst the best acting I've seen from her. Don't look for accurate historical details in this though, it's pure fluff.

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The Living and the Dead: 1x05 Episode 5

Fun watching Applebee lose his marbles entirely.

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The Mask of Zorro

Cheesy but lovable adventure flick.

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The Living and the Dead: 1x03 Episode 3

Not really sure what's going on in this series anymore. Every episode seems to be self-contained in a lot of ways.

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Empresses In The Palace: 1x15 Episode 15

The culmination of schemes in the harem to bring down Precious Shen and a dramatic fight scene? What more could you ask for?

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