Lydia Mitchell



What's Love Got to Do with It

Lawrence Fishburn did a remarkable job on portraying how charming abusers can be when they want to be, but Angela Bassett steals the show without being a superficial fascimile of Tina.

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Ralph Breaks the Internet

This movie is fun, mindless entertainment. In short: It's Clickbait.

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

I love this movie. It's not a great piece of cinema but it is fun and dumb action based on the classic game franchise. The movie nails the aesthetic of the tomb raider world in its set and character design. Some familiar and accomplished faces appear, and they do as well as expected with what is fundamentally a shallow plot and flimsy dialogue. I have a particular fondness for the casting of Angelina Jolie's IRL dad to be Lord Croft. So let your hair down, make your self comfortable and enjoy a light-hearted adventure romp in the grand tradition of Indiana Jones.

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For a movie about the sins of being shallow, this is a horrifically superficial teen movie with none of the characteristics that make a classic transcend the time in which it was made. The characters are straight up weird and the story is weak.

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FairyTale: A True Story

A childhood favourite with an astoundingly well-known cast. The soundtrack and script manage to capture both childhood whimsy and the desperation of people in the middle of a terrible war needing to believe in something more than their reality.

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Wild Wild West

Cheesy, camp and cringe all in one place!

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Strange film, visually beautiful. Daniel Radcliffe's American accent was occasionally grating, however his performance is solid. Was surprised by the Heather Graham cameo, didn't know she was still acting.

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Simply Irresistible

If only to be a fly on the wall when this movie was pitched. A romcom about food and a magical crab? This movie has is entirely of its time, and its not necessarily a good thing, visually its 90s af, but its also forgettable. Not a bad film, its still watchable, if only for the crab.

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Valentine's Day

This movie continues in the tradition of films focused on particular holidays begun by Love Actually. Featuring a series of vignettes of intertwined relationships on Valentine's Day in Los Angeles. Whilst there are plenty of familiar faces, this movie can't really measure up to the success of its predecessor. Despite this, its still a fun and light-hearted romantic comedy.

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Thos whole film can be summarised as peculiar. If it is attempting to replicate slapstick British humour for the American audience then somehow it misses it's mark. A star studded cast can't redeem this bizarre escapade and even stranger characters. It is at times entertainin, but not in a so-bad-its-good way.

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L!fe Happens

A bit predictable and certainly no knockout, but still satisfying.

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Time to Love

I'm not sure if something has been lost in translation with the English subtitles but the pacing seems erratic, like large parts of the plot are missing. An understanding of Chinese history before watching probably helps. The production quality also seems lower than other adaptations of the book or even other Chinese historical dramas. I also found the lead character to be entirely unlikable and a little bit twee.

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Knights of Badassdom

So bad it's funny. Cliche plot, lots of cameos and a fun/ silly watch if you're into geek subcultures like LARPing or DnD.

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