Craig Mac An Mháistir

1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Game of Thrones: 7x06 Beyond the Wall
Black Sails: 2x05 XIII.

That reveal was outstanding... Was interested in seeing how Flint 'broke bad' through flashbacks but wow that was heavy! Brilliant execution

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South Park: 23x05 Tegridy Farms Halloween Special

Could well be my favourite episode ever, the Halloween special pays off so well everything just landing perfectly and so much gratification in this episode all while being non stop laughing hilarious

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BoJack Horseman: 6x05 A Little Uneven, Is All

This show is ridiculous how it jumps from last episode and its almost entire episode focusing on ridiculous comedy and absurd plot to such heavy themes and really interesting scenarios that are only possible in a cartoon over the top sort of way, back to back 10/10 episodes

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The Killing: 1x11 Missing

That was a really good episode, love that it was dedicated just to Sarah and Holder

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BoJack Horseman: 6x04 Surprise!

This is the most absurdist wacky hijinx plot line episode the show goes on and i love it!

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Bloodline: 2x08 Part 21

Damn that interrogation scene is good, the crazed look in Marco's eyes! Outstanding acting from both

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Atlanta: 2x04 Helen

It's mad how this episode has the same scores as other episodes and how blindly people just want to like the show for Glover or whatever external factors. With the exception of the scene with her friend it's a truly terrible episode that is boring and unfunny even for Atlanta standards/slow drawn out feel.

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Bloodline: 3x02 Part 25

The scene with Kevin losing his shit in the car was amazing. Perfect song choice too

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