Lucas C.



Marvel's The Punisher

Don't know where the high ratings come from. This show is not good. It's slow, empty, cliché and totally not "cool" or "tough". Luke Cage was the only show that was nice to watch. Probably something to do with the American cliché of having the worst life, drinking alcohol to drown in your sorrows and having had loss (which we all have in our lives). Being able to relate doesn't make this a good show. Hoped for a surprise, but it's nothing special and even a bit bad..

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@allendar Try to perceive the show from the perspective of a veteran that returned from war. The show is anything but empty, the message is clear in the end, an endless war inside a war veteran, the vengeance story is a perfect metaphor for an internal war that a returned veteran feels. The last scene from the last episode makes this clear.

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The Flash

This show has nothing exceptional about it at all. It's pretty lame and cookie cutter. Disappointing.

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@username125800125800 By your logic anyone that critics a show is a hater, does this mean no one can criticise any show following your logic? Is every show ever good and should be put on a special pedestal? Can anyone have an opinion about something?

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When I first heard the news that my favorite Neil Gaiman comic was set to premiere as a TV show, I was delighted. Later, I found out it was on FOX, and like those damned souls entering hell, I've lost all my hopes already. FOX has messed up/cancelled all the shows that I got to like in their programming. Every one of them. The change in showrunner isn't a good sign, and demoting Tom Kapinos (the series creator and main writer) is a bad move to begin with (please, he wrote the damn pilot they greenlit!). I'm sure FOX will cancel this series after the 10 episodes commitment, and call it "an event mini-series". This show belongs to Netflix, in both scope and theme. I loved the pilot (the nod to David Bowie made me smile), please sell it to Netflix!.

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@carlos-teran Happily your prediction didn't become reality, the second season really improved the show.

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Grey's Anatomy

Does anyone know any good series that have the same level of drama as GA? Or shall i watch the spinoff Private Practice.

I really love GA, but still need to wait a month, until it returns.

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If i'm not mistaken (because I never watched the show), E.R. was the old Grey's Anatomy, like Friends is the old How I Met Your Mother, but this was some thing i saw on the internet, i have never watched ER.

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The Vampire Diaries

How this has become a discussion about two very different shows, I can't possibly understand. (Seriously, TRUE BLOOD and THE VAMPIRE DIARIES? It's like comparing HOUSE, MD and GREY'S ANATOMY.)

I started watching this show when I was most definitely a part of the target audience, and despite my initial fear of this show being a TWILIGHT rip-off (despite the fact that the books had been written before, which yes, would make it a "Follow the leader"; mainly because Book!verse differs vastly from TV!verse), its flaws are entirely different.

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES has a protagonist-centered morality, that, when it comes down to it, isn't caused by Elena Gilbert's gentle or loveable personality (of which's existence, by now, only the Salvatores seem to be entirely certain), but the fact that she's got the special kind of boobs. Her magic hooha is infamous among fans of PNR and UF, the hypocrisy of the characters one of the most fandom-intern-critizised points of the entire show.

Despite that, we still watch it, and once you've come to the point where you hate a show with a passion, yet can't wait for the next episode, you do wonder why that is. (Or at least I do.) The heteronormativity, the lack of POCs, the annoying protagonist and love-triangle, the melodrama, the patheticly obvious loop-holes and inconsistencies. Even the beautiful and rather talented actors and actresses (and amazing music (and yes, to be fair, the few very well-written and often well-directed episodes) shouldn't be able to make up for it, right?

But in the end, the show is what the HOUSE OF NIGHT series is in the PNR bookworld. It might suck, it might be immature, sex-negative, and downright awful at times, but it's also compelling. I can't help but react to the insanities that ensue, and even though it probably isn't what the writers and creatores intended, my hatred for certain characters and the misery I feel everytime they mess an magnificent concept up beyond repair, are what keeps me coming back.

In other words, if you are looking for a well-written, sex-positive, 21st century TV-show whose writers you can trust, look somewhere else. If you want a guilty pleasure "Jesus, why do they all look so good, and wth, how is this his voice?"-experience, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES should definitely do. (Then again, shows like LOST GIRL, TEEN WOLF, and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER are, at this point, easier to recommend with a clean conscience.)

(That isn't to say the show isn't enjoyable. Especially if you are less involved, are able to be entertained by shows despite their influence on particular people, or don't question the characters' and writers' decisions, it should be a show you might come to like.)

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@patriciabr I agree, TVD is just like a garbage movie that you can't hate, though I wouldn't say it is like a cult movie (cult movies are like for completely different reasons I think). TVD has what most The CW shows have. It follows its Recipe Drama with some supernatural stuff in it (or these days with super heroes in it). I mean, even I'm watching this even though I really find it to be generic (in some ways, like drama).
In the end the show is just entertaining enough to keep you interested, but they don't try hard enough to create something original nor excellent.

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