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Omicron Persei 8

The Midnight Sky

I feel like what they did was really good. But they didn't really do anything.

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Inside Out

Interesting idea and some great parts about how different traits react to different signals of the other person, but the whole middle part was just a drag.

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In Time

Not the greatest movie, but it shows some very interesting thoughts about capitalism and society.

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Godzilla vs. Kong

Nothing in this movie even tries to make sense.

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After watching the whole show: Writing, acting and/or directing can be really hit or miss here. The show has some great ideas about seperation, entitlement and perceived worth but doesn't really develop them enough. In the end it can still be an entertaining show to watch, besides being unexpectedly shallow.

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The Walking Dead

I really wanted to like this series, but it just doesn't make sense imho.
One day Zombies are smelling humans, the other day they are able to hide in plain sight. One day there are no zombies at all while they do shooting practice, the next day they get overrun because of one gunshot (a little kid doing a headshot with shaky hands right past his dad) while they have to conserve ammo. Not mentioning Zombies breaking through cars but other zombies not able to trespass a simple fence or headshots with a shotgun out of a driving car. The first episode was so promising :|

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Not sure what to hold of this. It started out pretty intense but developed in a whole other direction.
Great actors but in the end I just lost interest

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Not the most realistic one, but it was an interesting watch either way.

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Almost Human

I liked it. Great characters, great tech, some humor.

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The idea of the show was fantastic in my eyes. Unfortunately it started out like a fencing movie. Because of the great idea I sticked to it either way. The (bad) action scenes got less after a while but in the end the series was too predictable for me. With that I don't mean the whole plot, but more each scene. If you aren't going to let one of the main actors die, just stop putting them in those 'risky' situations. For me this show got worse and worse till the end and I too am glad it is over :)
The characters were elaborated pretty good and likable though, thats a plus

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The Village

For me this was, is and (probably) will be the worst movie I've ever seen. I've seen the trailer and went into the cinema with the expectation for a good thematic horror movie.
I couldn't get more disappointed. There were two, maybe three, shocking moments and thats it. No tension, at least for me no feeling with the characters, just nothing.
I rarely utterly dislike a movie, but this one did it for me.

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A lot of "Touch" in the style and sound of the intro :)

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Menace II Society

I watched this movie a while ago and had no idea what to expect.
It tells the story about some kids growing up in difficult circumstances, which inevitably lead them down the 'wrong' path.
At least for me everything seemed really authentic. Without saying too much, this was also the first movie for me with a shocking ending.
Maybe my standards were lower at that time, but the ending and the whole narrative style really got to me, which made this movie really stick in my mind.
I would recommend watching this for anyone who isn't on the search for some entertaining blockbuster.

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Nitro Circus: The Movie

Some of their scenes are a little over the top, but I guess thats what this is all about :)

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Though this one is full of stereotypes, it is really well done.
Great cast, too.

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TRON: Legacy

Don't expect a great story with this one. I really enjoyed it for its awesome animation quality and fitting soundtrack.

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District 9

I love the thought behind this. Valuable history lesson in a futuristic setting

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I love movies, where you get the big picture right at the beginning, but explain the details later on. The way Anthony plans his actions and you only get to know the details later on is only on of the things I love about this movie.
Great performance from Anthony Hopkins, and of course Ryan Gosling.

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One of the bestion action movies for me.

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For me this still is one of the best horror movies around.

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The Art of Flight

If you are at least a little interested in (extreme) sports and/or snowboarding, go watch this one. The quality really is amazing and jaw-dropping. Only the scene in which they start to blow stuff up is a little unnecessary in my opinion.

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Art of Flight: The Series

The episode in which they are starting to throw axes and blow stuff up is a bit unnecessary in my opinion, but other than that it gives some more insight to what can already be seen in the film. If you liked the film, I'll definitely recommend watching this, if you like sports and action movies I'll recommend watching the film.

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This was one of my first horror movies and, at least in my memory, is still one of my favourite movies of all time.
The killing has a real story to it and you kind of feel with the protagonist. I also love the style of giving you the whole view at the beginning (what happened) and explain/remember the details gradually (why did it happen).

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Like so often, I really enjoyed the first season. In my opinion the show got worse over time though and should have ended (or I should have stopped watching it :D) earlier.

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Prison Break

Really, really strong first season (10/10). Didn't like the following seasos too much, though. (6/10).

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Strong first season. Got irrational after that, though.

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Lie to Me

One of the best first few episodes. Great performance from Tim Roth

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Breaking In

Superb first season and one of the worst second seasons of all time. I'm conflicted with the rating for this one, because the first Season totally rock a 8 or 9, while Season 2 deserves something around 2.

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After Lost, best series around. I totally recommend this.

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Best series ever. Thats until S06E17 of course... Would have been a straight 10 if it weren't for that ending.

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