Makara Nou



District 9

And people liked this movie, why?

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@datbabyaintmine people either love it or hate it. It is the first movie ever that i give 10/10

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Ok, nothing to do with fast & furious that is just a fact. More like Terminator and Transformers, Especially transformers, the bike made the exact same sound. Anyway, complete nonsense ridiculous plot, bad dialogue good humor and nothing more out of a probably 12 year old building the script.

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@great_vc There are a lot of things that don’t add up or feel right. Cars are burning. But fast and furious spin isnt there. But still a great action movie, though. Should be a new movie not a spin-off

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The Wandering Earth
  1. Great acting at least by the legendary actors
  2. Okay CGI
  3. Superb sci-fi idea

But the film still flops so hard.

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@hanike okay, let's say +fantasy

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The Hunt

(Contains spoilers)
Organized human hunting in a different way. Why are people kidnapped and hunted here? Why this group of people? All questions that will be answered soon, slightly surprising but then also quickly sucked out.

Exaggerated left-wing liberals hunt exaggerated conspiracy theorists & (as the best comparison) Trump supporters. The plot fluctuates between amusing and over-the-top. The start after the kidnapped wake up is probably the funniest scene in the whole movie. If you thought you were just shown the main actors, they immediately getting killed in funny gory ways to jump on to the next one - with the same result. That was really good! The only thing that matches this level of humor are the awkward faces Betty Gilpin is showing is from time to time.
Afterwards it remains interesting, but never again gets again this funny kind of slapstick brutality, despite enough escalating violence.In the end, it becomes absurd and culminates in the duel between the protagonist and the chief hunter, without it becoming too exciting for the outcome. The choreography of the fight is still wonderful to look at as one or the other seems to get overwhelmed now.

The overall experience is a successful new take in the genre. No horror film, no pure slapstick humor. Rather a pastiche on how half of the Americans see the other half - and vice versa. 7/10

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@cthalin what’s even funny is they got the wrong girl lol

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The Hunt

The writing of the first act alone and the confusion over the protagonist was magnificent to me. I had an absolute blast in the theater with this one.

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@hcolesmith95 not gonna lie. They got me lol

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In the Tall Grass

If only dead things doesn't move in the field then why didn't they carry on the dead dog with them and tried to escape?

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@david0542 [ iwas thinking the same. And the dog is alive in the end lol]

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The Dead Don't Die

My first thought as this film warped up and the credits began to roll was “people are going to hate this”. I shared this sentiment with my friend who I was with and he seemed to agree.

To start with most of the marketing centered on the rather impressive cast, the posters bosting the tag-line “The Greatest Zombie Cast Ever Disassembled”. This marketing approach does give of the impression that audience will be treated to a light-hearted Zom-Com featuring a group of interesting and bizarre characters. This is only sort of true, The film has a dry wit to it that often makes it difficult to tell whether or not what you are watching is supposed to be funny, at multiple points I found myself having to contain my laughter despite the fact the nothing particularly funny was happening on screen but that does suit my sense of humour.

The jokes being delivered in a unique way is not what I think will divide audiences (although it will contribute) one thing I did not expect was just how much Jarmusch wanted to say about our current society. The film jumps from being about consumerism to the environment to even folding back in and commenting on itself constantly. It hits you on the head with obvious messages about not harming the planet, being nice to people and not allowing brands and products to define you but also has the nerve to feature meta comedy and bizarre side-plots that go absolutely nowhere.

This is the point where I tell you that I actually quite enjoyed how off-center and comically nonsensical the experience was. If like me you have seen many zombie movies and are looking for something fresh then this might just be what you are looking for and if not at least there’s a pretty sweat Night of the Living Dead reference in it.

This film certainly is not for everyone but I recommend watching it anyway to see if you find something to like, however if you do watch it and hate it don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.

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@nathan-laing most people don't understand the joke and rate this movie 1 or 2 lol

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The Promised Neverland

Is this worth a watch? Looks interesting.

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@dipperdolphin A little show pace but yes you should watch

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The Truman Show

This is the original idea for the HBO Westworld?

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@alfuraiji thanks for enlightening me

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Shout by Schweppervescence Spot

Hope it's better than expanse or killjoys

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@djstatusphere I enjoyed the origin ..maybe I like this one too

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