Battle: Los Angeles

Excessive shakycam. My grandma could film better.

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Johnny Mnemonic

This movie makes no sense at all.

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

Not all characters merit 15 seasons, but these did. Now it's one last time, with or without feeling. The series had its ups (oh hell yeah) and its downs (do I need to be specific?). Today it ends. Everyone knows the climax was in the previous episode, so this is just the last wave goodbye, and it keeps its dignity, such as it is. It's OK, Sam and Dean. You can go now. Goodbye.

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It's fine overall, probably best for younger audiences but still amused me here and there. And they get an extra point for the rainbow completion towards the end, I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.

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This movie has really bad physics. And logic. And astronaut.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

Very pretty, and very very predictable. And yeah, overused slo mo...

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Pretty OK YA movie, not breaking any new ground here.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Season 2

This season is truly a balm on my chafed soul

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The Chiptune Story

Well, half the interviews sound like they were recorded next door to a disco, and I can't understand half of what they're saying.

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Lupin's Daughter: The Movie

This is laughably bad in places, maybe more so than the show. But it sure was nice to see everyone again!

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Bullet Train

Yeah, it is pretty bad.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 3x06 Hear All, Trust Nothing

They brought back Kira and Quark, yeah! Takes me back.

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If you can look past the (Mariana trench sized) flaws, this epic bro story will satisfy you. Slightly less subtle than a kick in the teeth, but far more amusing.

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Cold Prey

A bit heavy on the loud noise scares. Not at all badly executed, though of course the clichés run thick.

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Invasion: 1x08 Contact

That's not how phone boxes work

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Shout by G-dawg

I guess I wanted to know more about the invasion. Like, what is its nature, and how do we fight it? But instead we're stuck with all these mostly annoying characters. The only one I like is the kinpachi, at least she's trying to figure out what happened. Also, where did that sheriff go?

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Horrible aggravating quasi music in every second scene. Incomprehensible plot. Somewhat interesting effects.

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Bill & Ted Face the Music

You can never go back. But you CAN go on.

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Silly. Delicious. In 5 words, sillicious.

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Deep Blue Sea 3

Slightly less horrid than DBS 2. Way better acting for the most part, but not without its share of dumb.

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Deep Blue Sea 2

I like the few callbacks to the first, but overall, this sequel does not measure up. And what's with all the RGB lighting?

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The Magicians: 5x09 Cello Squirrel Daffodil

Shout by G-dawg

Sorry, I'm late to phrenology...

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TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard

Very interesting. I feel the coverage was fairly balanced between the two sides in the beginning of the movie, but towards the end it drifted towards the people with souls. It was also amusing to hear Peter speak norwegian!

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A rather odd movie, about people and about cats. There are some bright points, but it wasn't too intriguing. You like cats, go for it.

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The Master

Good humor (but some is weird), good action scenes, and a plot that isn't too broken. Don't expect too much, and it's a fair way to spend 92 minutes.

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An American Werewolf in London

Dat transformation sequence!

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Just some friendly advice: When you watch it, make sure to watch the episodes in DVD order, not in aired order. Because the aired order was determined by fools, and the DVD order by the Mind Behind.

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Zombie Apocalypse

The movie starts out not so bad, and then goes downhill. The plot is simple but effective enough, the zombie apocalypse has struck and a group of survivors are trying to get to a safe place they've heard of. The viewer doesn't really have a chance to get close to the characters, which hampers the enjoyment of the movie.

It looks like they ran out of money halfway, because the special effects at the end are really bad. Apart from that, zombie makeup and action scenes throughout the movie are unspectacular but sufficient.

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Fish Story

It's one of those movies where several stories are told, apparently disjointed, and you don't see how they fit together until the end. Fairly enjoyable.

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