Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x21 Symbiosis

Liked this episode. The only one in which I can think of where the Prime Directive was not an annoying thing to exist. I usually literally hate them trying to work around it. It’s nice to see it work in their favor.

Someone commented the solution not being a good one because the drug dealers should be able to help them get their freighters going but I don’t think so. I think they are so depending on pushing this drug they have lost focus for all other areas of industry. If I had a ship I don’t think I would Rendezvous with addicts in their worn vehicle in which I know they can’t fix to get them their fix.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x19 Heart of Glory

I didn’t care for this episode but that might be because I watched DS9 already and I’m used to a better version of Worf. One I like. This one needs polishing which is to be expected but I’m not sure I’m up for the journey

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x15 Too Short a Season

Hmm it was an okay storyline. It would have been more interesting if his singular dose killed him and not him arrogantly taking two doses to fight some old rival :rolling_eyes:

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x13 Angel One

My favorite of season 1 so far. I enjoyed the drama of the stranded and the virus. It was chaotic and urgent.

My only complaint is some of the scenes with the women were cringe. Like troi and Yar objecting to Riker in the cultural garbs. Seems like something they would be use to as he was use to wearing the clothing of the leadership. I know this is paralleling the way the world is ruled by men so I can excuse the way the Mistresses acted but still hard to watch.

Also where did the virus come from? I really wanted to know.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x10 Haven

The way this franchise until Discovery introduces storylines to give them semi-closed endings is annoying. It would have been better if Wyatt found the cure then went off to find a place to settle with Ariana and her people versus him forced to never return home. What’s stopping someone from blowing up the ship beforehand or even after a cute. Too open ended. Other than that I love Lwaxana and Data in this.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x12 Datalore

I like this adversary for Data. I think their interaction in this episode was great my confusion lies with the rest of the characters. Wes trying to save the day again is the only one to know it’s not Data? Not any security team member? And the fact that Wes has saved the day countless times for 10 episodes you’d think they’d know to at least not dismiss him. And what was up with Bev telling him to shut up then listening to him and reviving Data? Lol

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x11 The Big Goodbye

Bev looked great. Not a fan of whatever crusher/Picard tension they are setting up though. Not sure why. I like how Wes is helpful but I think their dependence on him is sightly unrealistic. DS9 had Jake who was not useful at all to starfleet goals and VOY had former borg Icheb who I loved and was more realistic in his help of voyager.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x09 Hide and Q

This was a good ep. Only confused by the pass Yar made at Picard. I love the dilemma Q presents. I doubt I would have made the same choice as the crew but I’ve already come to terms with my lack of starfleet material-ness.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x07 Justice

I’m with Picard I want to know more about the thing in oribit. Nice little trolley argument but really what did we expect the outcome to be? They weren’t going to kill the kid. The tuvok neelix mix up had more of a chance to come out either way

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x04 The Last Outpost

Interesting to see the start of Worf’s disdain of Ferengi after watching DS9. Did not like these ferengi myself they were depicted as too barbaric from what I know. Like what was with the movements they had. Very primate like. I think the episode spent too much time in the ship thinking the ferengi were the enemies. Should have been on the planet and the riddle was too easy. Anti climatic

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x02 The Naked Now

This episode didn’t work for me because I don’t know how the characters normally act but Tasha in the blue worked well.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x01 Encounter at Farpoint

It’s so odd starting this show after watching DS9 and VOY :sob: I’m so glad this was not the make up for the worf I first met. It’s off putting. Almost as much as Riker’s body shape or his gait. Something is weird about him in the uniform but when he was in DS9 he looked much better :relieved:

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Booo :tomato: :tomato:

I thought the season itself was interesting as we got to see a bit about Carolyn who I’ve always thought was fascinating but I’m still confused as to who created the 12. Their demise was anticlimactic too.

My main dislike about this ending/episode is why did Carolyn deserve to come out a winner? I liked her but the show could have ended with them embracing on the boat and Carolyn taking credit for killing the 12. This ending is very much giving Lexa/Clarke from the 100 and if this wasn’t already the end I would stop watching this like I did that. :rolling_eyes:

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x26 Endgame (2)

Besides the seven Chakotay romance I liked the end. I liked seeing Janeway without her closest friends there to hear her thoughts and help guide her in her decisions. Or question them. Without those 3 people It’s eff the world, which I’m totally okay with but it’s not very starfleet.

If the writers were allowed to give her more of a vulnerable side and some emotional range she would have been a better captain. It seemed like this show only wanted their women stoic

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x22 Natural Law

I love Tom being having to go back for a pilots lessons lol the entire show he has been boosted as the best pilot voyager has to offer and now he has to go back to school for being inadequate.

Chakotay and Seven on an away mission together after that fantasy :rolling_eyes:

He’s annoying and he always puts people in danger for his own curiosity.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x21 Friendship One

Very interesting seeing the effect of our supposed good natured attempts at friendship. It’s never a bad thing to remind of us of the potential negative even good intentions can have. This also parallels the episode of voyager stuck in the system of that planet who moved in time at a faster rate. They got to see how them just being there caused the civilization to push themselves in advancement which was positive.

The episode summary doesn’t quite match tho or maybe I missed who modified the technology. I thought this species saw the technology and tried to mimic it.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x19 Q2

Ooh fun! And pretty cool they used his actual son.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x18 Human Error

Ehhh chotay seems like an odd choice for this. And while I would love to see Seven explore her emotional side more I don’t think the end made this episode necessary. Instead the doctor or Janeway should have showed her how to balance personal and work life as that’s a skill she should have.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x17 Workforce (2)

At least we get to see the ECH in use. Liked the clash with Harry even tho at this point the doctor should know how to work with the rest of the crew which he did when it came down to it so their little tiff was pointless. This was a change of pace with them not fighting back because they didn’t know they should. Yet we have to admit without the doctor to save them or assist a returned away team, voyager would have been lost long ago.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x12 Lineage

I enjoyed seeing an emotionally vulnerable belanna. She’s not my favorite member of voyager but that’s because we only recently started seeing this side of her. I will say falling back on her not trusting Tom makes all that work in that race episode seem irrelevant.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x11 Shattered

:asterisk_symbol:erases rant about the doctor not feeling like part of the crew after that last double feature:asterisk_symbol:

I liked this episode even tho it doesn’t push us home. Liked seeing the old faces to remind us where we came from. Predictable seska and the kazon causing problems

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x10 Flesh and Blood (2)

Janeways doesn’t take blame everyone is mad. Janeway takes blame and everyone is still mad lol Sure she gave them the technology with good intention and it backfired but that’s literally life.

The only fault of this episode is that the doctor continues choosing people over voyager then realizing he was wrong the entire time. We’re trying to see the doctor as something more than a hologram but he can’t even learn the lessons he’s taught like an actual program.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x09 Flesh and Blood (1)

Why do we keep seeing the doctor revisit this problem over and over. He always has a hunch and it’s wrong. At some point he has to learn his lesson :upside_down:

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x08 Nightingale

Eh Harry Kim has been on the bridge for like 6 years and he doesn’t know how to be a captain? The thing he’s been in charge of during the nights for some time now… sometimes the episodes feel out of order but that’s not exclusive to voyager, there was those in deep space mind as well.

All in all it would be a good show of why breaking the prime directive is disasterly or even why it’s stupid.

Voyager should have asked for cloaking technology after the way Sisko used it in DS9 Voyager should get a chance. I’ve always thought them not having it is stupid and I’m glad they gave up the restriction in 3200.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x07 Body and Soul

Great performance by Jeri. Personally did not care for the doctor scolding Seven on what she deems is best for her body. If she doesn’t want to indulge who is he to reprimand her.

We never talk about in this show why races with restrictive rules not allow leniency for guest. Sure we take it too far in the real world in what we allow diplomats to get away with but sometimes ignorance and oversight isn’t malicious.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x06 Inside Man

Holos personality gave him away right away even though they tried to explain it away mid-episode. It was too late. I was surprised they didn’t let the doctors worry expose him. Also at this point you’d think they have tractor beams ready one button clock to go. Or just disable it since it’s never ready or too much interference when ready :rolling_eyes:

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x05 Critical Care

Good look at how far the doctor is willing to go to save lives. What’s his limit before he becomes unethical. I always like the episodes that push character growth. It’s the only way I get through the episodic nature of this show.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x01 Unimatrix Zero (2)

It made sense to have tuvok lose his fight against the collective because of his security clearance but isn’t Vulcans supposed to have strong minds?? Either way I enjoy a good game of strategy between Janeway and the borg queen. Was tired of all the kazon and viidians of the earlier seasons

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x25 The Haunting of Deck Twelve

I think because of the episodic nature of this show the kids are much more bareable than in current dramas. I liked the camp fire horror storytelling aspect. It was a different angle of voyager and it involved the borg kids who I find as intriguing as seven.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x24 Life Line

Definitely agree with this episode being good however the comments here kind of hypocritical. Some of these were complaining about the need for episodes that don’t further push Voyager home yet praise everything about this. Probably because of Janeways lack of screen time. But who am I to speculate

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