Game of Thrones: 8x01 Winterfell

One hour of almost nothing.

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@feepiva We clearly didn't watch the same episode.

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The Witcher: 1x04 Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials

Erm.. okay I'm so confused

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@thetrophymunchers for what I've read outside the show.. there are 3 different timelines. I didn't even know this wtf

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x09 Heroic

Boring AF episode! Nothing happened.

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@the_argentinian Nothing happened for those who don't pay attention.

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Good Girls: 2x13 King

Is he gone, though? I wouldn't be so sure. After all the cop dude has always been hella shady. Plus, there needs to be drama for next season.

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@abtr He's 100% alive IMO.

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Good Girls: 2x13 King

Noooo! They killed him?!?! What?!

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@claudiaihdz They obviously didn't. Did you watch the ending? She think he's gone but the stupid cop called 911 so he's alive.

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The Good Fight: 3x05 The One Where a Nazi Gets Punched

This show is in grave danger of overusing that Blum character. He's so much over the top it's getting too much.

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@onlime I adore The Good Fight but I agree. He's getting on my nerves. And it doesn't look like it's gonna stop next episode.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

Kind of underwhelming.

This felt like a side story of the MCU. They did so many baits and things that lead absolutely nowhere. Annoying...

Elizabeth Olsen as the Scarlet Witch was AMAZING tho!! She absolutely killed that look.

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@cihacoba I honestly think this could be easily a 2h movie if you take all the useless stuff out.

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The Walking Dead: 10x16 A Certain Doom

Really loved the score for this episode!

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@tvwatcha3 yeah, it was really nice. Stood out to me too.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 1x06 Up Is Down

I don’t know why I’m watching this show. It’s pretty shitty.

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@whos_ur_buddha same... the acting is so bad sometimes

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

++++++++++ Best writing in a GOT episode since Hold the Door
+Suitable mourning for the lost that didn't eat up too much time
+Interesting party with all sorts of positive and negative interactions going on between characters (San-San is looking like it has potential, The whole Jaime-Brienne stuff was good, Jon being cheered as king while Dany uncomfortably looks at them, etc.)
+Debate about who the best ruler would be was AMAZING
+ Rhaegal getting killed was genuinely shocking
+Cleganebowl is all but confirmed
+ Jamie returning should have been more about how Cersei is pregnant with his child but the route they went with had excellent dialogue so it's still a great part
+Dany being a bitch to Jon about letting her be the supreme ruler and Jon submitting fit soooooo well into the episode

*Jon picked a really shitty time to tell his family about his parentage and yeah, I get that was sort of the point but he obviously could've put it off until after the war so it still doesn't sit the right way. It was crucial to the episode being so good though so I'm torn on whether it's actually a negative
*The show is finally going to have to deal with the consequences of the Unsullied not being emotionless robots like they are in the books. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out
*Ballista cannot sink seaworthy vessels and the alliance splitting their army when they aren't sure they could even win against Cersei in an even fight was not a smart decision

-the Bronn scene was kind of dumb and he has no way of ensuring that they follow through on their agreement. Honestly, he would've had a better chance of success if he actually joined them.

Fantastic episode and honestly, if the internal divisions about Jon or Dany allow Cersei to come out on top it would be fucking genius

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@seanmsu You really think this is ''good writing''? What weed do you smoke? I want some

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WandaVision: 1x06 All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

That ending was CRAZY! But these episodes are SO short. Remaining 3 episodes better be one hour at least each.

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@davidzfr is that for real!? If so, I'm so happy! holy moly :D

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The Society: 1x01 What Happened

Rrminds me of ”the dome” but with annoying teens instead...
So far nothing interesting, but i will give it 2 more

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@missstockholm that’s exactly what I was thinking of the whole time! Under the Dome vibes everywhere. But I dropped that show after the second episode. I hope this one gets better fast.

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The Witcher

Shout by Marihan

Oh okay. New season when?

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@yolomerc They've said early 2021... the long wait is here

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

This was definitely more for Godzilla fans than it was for critics. It was way better than the 2014 film that got Certified Fresh. The film is just badass. Not perfect but....bad ass.
They do over-do the family drama again though. Especially when the family drama makes no sense. Mark Russel (Kyle Chandler) blames Godzilla for the death of his son. He wants all monsters dead.
Mark’s wife Emma (Vera Farmiga) says screw mankind. The monsters will cure the planet of Climate Change. So yeah in another words who cares if anyone else loses family members. Due to her plan to unleash all monsters.
Her daughter Madison (Millie Bobbie Brown) sticks with her. Despite her mom teaming with some bad men with guns. Who kill some nice scientists right in front of her. So yeah, Mark is the sanest one in that family.
Even if there’s too much of the humans and a silly plot. This is the best of the Hollywood Godzilla movies. Critics are just wrong. One even said the Roland Emmerich version is better. What drugs is that critic on ?
The battles are some of the best done of any monster vs monster battle. Unlike the first film this one has a ton of Godzilla history to it. It shows him way more and shows the character great respect.

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@jim222001 This is a FUN movie for fans. Godzilla 2014 was a GOOD movie. That's why it's certified fresh.

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

Shout by Johnny Wong
BlockedParent2019-04-29T04:25:57Z— updated 2019-05-02T01:16:33Z

If only I can give this 200 out of 10 hearts!

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@mbze430 Once you cool down the hype you will give it 7 at best.

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Fleabag: 2x06 Episode 6

Spectacular conclusion to this amazing show... Can't put into words how much I've loved this season.

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@krisoopower Yup, It's confirmed to be the series finale.

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