Marc S


Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x23 I, Borg

One of my favorite TNG episodes from the first viewing to this day. Still, though, some of the writing! Georgi: “[The Borg implants] contain relatively straightforward programming.” Twenty seconds later: “The subroutines are pretty complicated.” :rolling_eyes:

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 10x14 October 22, 2023: McKinsey

The segment on McKinsey (and consultants in general) was one of Oliver’s best in recent memory. Superb.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x21 The Drumhead

One of the most powerful episodes of the entire series. Great plot line, great writing. Patrick Stewart and Jean Simmons really get to show off their acting chops.

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Family Ties: 2x07 Sweet Lorraine

Surprising that an early 80s prime time sitcom should deal with this subject … and do it so well. (The actress playing Lorraine is actually British, not French, and her French, on the phone call, is rather atrocious.)

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The Martha Mitchell Effect

Excellent! This film is so well crafted, using only footage (audio and video) from the era to paint a telling picture of who and what Margaret Mitchell was. It’s just long enough to tell us all we really need to know about her and the context. Another aspect that resonated with me: the archival footage of news anchors like John Chancellor, Howard K. Smith, Dan Rather, from the days when one could rely on TV News to inform the public in an objective and factual way. What we have lost since those days!

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The Thief Collector

Engrossing, well paced, satisfying. This is a solid detective story spanning decades about a long unsolved art theft. Possible answers start to emerge decades after the caper. I won’t say more as it would spoil it. If you like documentaries, detective stories, and/or have an interest in the high dollar art world, this is for you. (If you watch it based on this comment please come back and reply with your reaction. I’d be curious to hear it.).

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x20 Journey's End

Both Wesley and his helmet hair are back for this one, but the storyline is great for the resolution of his arc on TNG and thanks to the clever tie-in of Native American culture and history.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x06 The Game

Wesley is back! He’s older, hornier, and his hair almost moves now. This time, he not only saves the Enterprise, but the entire Federation.

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L.A. Law: 7x13 Hello and Goodbye

Okay. Didn’t see that coming. This series has gone completely off the rails.

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30 Rock: 4x09 Klaus and Greta

I was here for James Franco and Jeffery Self, but I got lucky with some travel tips from Matt Lauer.

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30 Rock: 4x11 Winter Madness

Ok, the open house scene had me on the floor.

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Hotel Hell: 3x02 Vienna Inn

The awful dated rooms Ramsay’s team transformed are truly magnificent but the wife-owner is too much of a basket case to see it. The epilogue explains why that place is now shuttered.

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The Defenders: 2x27 A Book for Burning

A great story that still resonates today, with so many self-appointed censors in states like Florida and Texas.

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Family Ties: 2x06 Speed Trap

Serious topic. MJF does a great acting job here.

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Dad... Can I Borrow the Car?

Entertaining. Some very funny bits. Great animations, of course, being Disney.

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The Thick of It: 3x05 Episode 5

The scene between Malcolm and Stewart after they step out of the BBC studio control room is completely unhinged (even for this series) and absolutely priceless.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x24 Ménage à Troi

One of the more humor-based episodes but Lwaxana Troi gets a chance to shine, as does our favorite young hero Wesley Crusher, who, having finally ditched the helmet hair, saves the day, but at the cost of missing the school bus.

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A House Made of Splinters

Difficult to watch, at times, but what you will get is a chance to step silently into an environment that is certainly foreign, in more than one sense, to see and hear these children dumped by parents that are uncaring, unable, or otherwise “unavailable” (like their phone number) and to observe carefree joy and childish troublemaking alternating with deep sorrow. Even trust into these circumstances, children show they are still children, fragile yet resilient. There is no preaching, no narration, just a chance to observe and experience.

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Stranger at the Gate

This short film is guaranteed to resonate quite differently depending on the viewer. If you are here trying to decide whether to watch it, all I can suggest is: do not in advance read details about the "plot" or the story behind it. From a filmmaking point of view, the key is to experience the gradual revelation of the story over its half-hour runtime. That's what makes it a good (award-nomination-worthy) film.

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Architects of Denial

Not easy to watch at times but essential viewing nonetheless. The first-hand accounts are extremely powerful and unsettling, whether from 1915 or 1987.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x01 Descent (2)

I like Hugh, and he gets to act much more “human” here.

Any episode where Data gets to be unlike his usual self, whether that involves Lore, Dr Sung. or data’s programming going haywire, shows us that Brent Spiner is actually a pretty good actor.

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The Crown: 6x05 Willsmania

I don't quite understand why they replaced the actor playing Harry yet. In this episode, Harry is meant to be around 15 years old: this new actor (Luther Ford) is in his 20s, while the previous one (Fflyn Edwards) is 14, much closer to Harry's age at the time... To correct another bit of The Crown fiction, William did not fly to Canada with his father (and Harry): the next two heirs were not allowed to fly together, at the time... Interesting to see Philip reflecting on his own father-son relationship with Charles ("We're not very good at fathers and sons in this family", says Charles at one point) — I wonder if he ever had those thoughts — but he is now known to have been a much warmer person in private than his public persona led people to believe, and this according to William's adult recollections in a documentary about his grandfather... William's going up to Highgrove, following the seminal talk with his grandfather at Eton, makes for a moving scene (whether it ever happened or not)... Note in the credits: they got a "Chess consultant".

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READ THIS FIRST. Look, there is one character. Things happen to him, but not much. There is some dialogue in the first few minutes, then that’s it. From then on, he is talking to himself. Occasionally. If you think this is for you, go for it. If that sounds too weird, save yourself from having later to leave a meaningless review like “that was boring”.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x04 Relics

Interesting way to bring Scotty back and the Dyson Sphere is a great plot device but the denouement was quite a let-down. Also, note to Geordi, centimeters are not a dimensionally-correct unit to express frequency: they are a unit for wavelength, however. Writers who know too little about science, again, one of my pet peeves.

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My Year of Dicks

Quite a unique little film. The animation is in varied styles for the various chapters, the writing is quite funny, the girl’s experiences rings true-to-life in a very personal way. Best parental sex talk ever!

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Sofia Coppola's Little Mermaid

Excellent. Well worth the two minutes you invest in it (four minutes if you watch it twice). Shows a realistic Sofia Coppola aesthetic. It made me want more, which is all one can ask for, anytime, anywhere, sometime, Somewhere. See what I did there?

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Family Ties: 2x14 Say Uncle

Good treatment of a difficult issue in one of the more serious episodes.

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Hotel Hell: 2x05 Calumet Inn

Tally: 1 clueless and incompetent owner + 1 clueless and incompetent crying owner.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x21 The Perfect Mate

Okay, when the ambassador got injured crashing on the glass table, I just had the same reaction I had in “Cause and Effect” (5x18) when Beverly broke her glass when she heard the voices in her quarters: how can they still be using breakable glass in the 24 century? Also, Star Ttek medical personnel often put humanoids in stasis: why couldn’t Beverly put Kamala back in stasis? Ugh. I hate illogical or inconsistent SciFi.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x09 A Matter of Time

Shout by Marc S

One of the more enjoyable episodes, with its double plot line: saving the planet from its “nuclear winter” and a time-traveler from the future. It’s well written and guest star Matt Brewer, as the time-traveling historian, gives a wonderful, spot-on, performance. The problem, as usual with any time-travel story, is that they inevitably fall apart. In this case… SPOILERS AHEAD… Picard spends an inordinate amount of time in his Ready-Room practically begging the good professor to give him a hit as to whether his rescue mission of the planet might succeed, but, moments later, it becomes evident that he, and the crew, are all too aware that the good future historian is a complete con artist. So why that entire scene? But then, if as a viewer one can set that aside, still one of the more enjoyable episodes.

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