Mariana Brasileiro Neves


Recife, Brazil

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

You know when your friend keeps talking and talking and talking, jumping subjects without warning and nothing makes sense? Yep. This movie was it. Everyone in the viewing just got up in silence and went home. The atmosphere before and after people watched this movie in the theater was such a contrast it was sad. Just. Sad.

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Riverdale: 1x01 Chapter One: The River's Edge

I hate backstabbing friends. Haaaaate it. HA-TE IT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE IIIIIIIIIIIT. And here you don't have one but TWO! And this is only the first episode. Though I'm still going to keep watching this. Apparently I'm a masochist. Stop me, Rebeca!

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Underground: 1x07 Cradle

George R. R. Martin should take a page from this episode's perspective. This was amazing!

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The Magicians: 1x01 Unauthorized Magic

Quentin is o-kay. Please, for the love of God, don't be as imbecile as in the books, Quentin. The pace is fast and a lot of things that need explaining get shoved to the side. insert clueless face here But The Beast was AWESOME! Creepy as hell. So I'll still keep on watching.

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Childhood's End

Scifi gets to do this crap and Ascension doesn't even get a second season? WTF? This was awful. Terrible. I need to be commited to suicide watch over this, that kind of terrible. Charles f*ing Dance is in this show, how did anyone sell this to him? I mean, I should be hiring that genius to my mkt team. Obviously.

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