


The Beatles: Get Back: 1x03 Part 3: Days 17-22

Interesting show. My opinion of Paul has changed after seeing how he was. His treatment of George was surprising, though I had heard that George was not treated as an equal or an important member of the band. This just confirmed that. No one saying anything until after he walked out was just wrong. John & Paul did finally admit that. Hopefully they told George that when they met with him. Ringo, never sayibg anything or giving his opinion except towards the end when he told George that he did want to preform on the roof.

Seeing John's humor, especially with is conversation with Linda's daughter about the new born kittens was enjoyable to watch. Yoko seemed a bit needy to me, always being there & always sitting next to John. Maybe he wanted her there but the other wives/girlfriends were there every once in awhile, not daily like Yoko.

Watching John & Paul's relationship was enjoyable to watch. They way they fed off each other while writing songs was truly a gift to watch!

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