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Omicron Persei 8

Road House

Casting was really bad and unnatural. I'm not sure what they were even going for. It was just a really awkward movie. It was entertaining, but it could have been so much more.

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The Creator

Maybe I was just too excited for this movie? I thought it was going to be great, but turned out to be a big "meh" burger. It wasn't horrible, but if I certainly had other movies I'd have preferred to watch in its place. It just wasn't that good.

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I can't figure out why this movie has as high of a rating as it does. It was overall a pretty crappy film.

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Old Dads

I don't care for Bill Burr but I did find this movie entertaining. It isn't a "must watch" but I'd put it on the list of "I feel like watching something, but there is nothing on that I'm dying to see".

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No Hard Feelings

Not a masterpiece, but a semi-solid romcom. Had some laughs, was entertained,

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Roe v. Wade

This is a must watch.

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What is a Woman?

An incredible, thought-provoking documentary. It's a must watch.

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Hostile Territory

I had a very hard time rating this moving. It had mostly bad acting. Mostly bad directing. Mostly bad makeup and props. Yet I sorta enjoyed it.

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I was pleasantly surprised. Not great, but a good light watch if you have nothing else and only half pay attention.

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Clerks III

What happened to Kevin Smith? Don't watch this, just remember him as he was.

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The Power of the Dog

Put this on your "do not watch" list. Sloooooooow and poor story.

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Top Gun: Maverick

I went into this with really low expectations but was very pleasantly surprised. A great stand-along film, an even better sequel. Really glad I took the time to watch it.

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The Gray Man

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would, given the reviews. It was an easy, entertaining watch. The action was predictable, but pretty good. There were some funny moments, and the one-liners delivered. It's worth a watch.

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Deep Water

This movie was pretty crappy. It started slow, but I kept with it hoping it would change. Nope. It stunk all the way to its ending, which stunk as well.

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Holy crap, I can't think of enough ways to describe how absolutely horrible this movie was.

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They focused so hard on delivering a message that they forgot to actually make a movie. Characters are without depth and lifeless. No plot at all. Overall, just a really crappy film. I think people are rating the film high because they approve of the message and ignore that the movie stinks.

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The movie was an easy watch and OK, but Hong Chau really stole the show.

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Really loved this movie. Lincoln Hoppe and Paul Wuthrich nailed their performances. I'll add it to my collection, for sure.

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Mom and Dad

I can't remember the last time I saw a movie this bad. Did they run out of money and just stop filming one day?

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The Predator

Not only did this movie stink, but the social justice warriors had to add in their nonsense. Can't they just leave movies alone? Maybe it's just Olivia Munn and her crappy acting. Humans will be extinct in one generation due to global warming? Pedal that nonsense somewhere else.

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Wonder Woman

This movie was even better than they hype. What a great superhero movie. I can't wait for 2.

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