
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

The Rookie

First 2 seasons are definitely recommended. It got "woke" in season 3 and isn't worth the time anymore. Unfollowed.

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@lucas-kell We obviously disagree.

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The Rookie

First 2 seasons are definitely recommended. It got "woke" in season 3 and isn't worth the time anymore. Unfollowed.

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@lucas-kell I'm glad you like the show. I disagree. They tried so hard to force woke content into an episode it actually played like satire. The show sucks now. Forced writing is poor writing. Granted, I haven't watched it in over a year so it may have swung back.

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The Rookie

First 2 seasons are definitely recommended. It got "woke" in season 3 and isn't worth the time anymore. Unfollowed.

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@fatalmuzza I have no idea. I stopped watching it.

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Another Life

Reply by Martlet

Netflix really stinks now. This show has poor acting, a leftist theme, and works social justice warrior characters and plots into the series. I'm so done with Netflix and almost everything it produces. Canceling.

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@eq88 Not that interesting to me. Glad you found it interesting, though. Thanks!

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