



Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2021-10-08T19:00:20Z— updated 2021-10-29T19:52:55Z

To all the folks saying it's a crappy copy of the original, just remember that The Office was too and was far better than the original. I like the BBC version of Ghosts, it's cute, but drones a bit, I'll watch this one and see how it goes. What I'm more concerned with, given the network it's airing on, is how woke it's going to be since they can't seem to not put extremist woke BS in every one of their shows.

Update 10/29/2021: I like this show so far! It does justice to the original and is just entertaining, the way TV should be.

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@tvwatcherdenver I totally respect your opinion, but not everything has to be looked at through a political lens.

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I just don't agree with all these comments about just watching the UK version. The Americanized Office worked, why can't this one? That is all you hear, "don't they ever have any ideas of their own?" There are countless attempts at original shows every year and no one watches them either. Starting a show with a built-in audience just make sense sometimes.

And after just seeing the hour premiere, I do enjoy it just as much as the original. They did change some of the characters and im all for the differences.

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@player8472 That is true Shameless is another one that had a hit American version. I wasn't fond of the UK version at all.

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This show wouldn't had grabbed the attention it did if it wasn't attached to the Scooby-Doo intelectual property. If you changed the color palette and the design of the character, they would be irreconcilable if you compared them to their classic counterparts. Without that, it would be just another irrelevant & forgettable "adult show" that thinks adding vulgarity and foulness makes it "mature", it actually makes it childish. Also, the characters are not "meta" or "self aware" as the writers think, they are just doing cheap lamp-shading, trying to disguise it's terrible writing. The "humor" is not clever nor has a funny punch line, it's just repetitive pop culture reference and small penis mentions (not even jokes, just mentioning Fred has a small penis) which is disgusting body shaming. And finally, they make Vilma and Shaggy black to use it as an excuse to blame any criticism on racism, that card is getting old REALLY fast. This show doesn't have ANY redeemable qualities, is an insult to the audience's intelligence and the legacy of Scooby-Doo, thank God Scooby-Doo isn't a character on this, they would had also massacred that character too. Don't give this show your attention or even rage watch, bad media dies by been irrelevant and not paying attention to it.

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@jaam01 Guess I am going to watch this on as many different screens as I can find then.

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This show is not Scooby Doo. It isn’t meant to be. It’s a re-imagination of a few of the characters from the original show. But there’s a reason why the show is called Velma, and not Scooby Doo.

Only two episodes have been released at the time that I write this. I there is absolutely nothing wrong with multiculturalism, as most of our planet is multicultural. You may or may not like the live meta-commentary from the characters. You may or may not like the cursing in this for-adults-only show.

I’m willing to give this show a shot precisely because it’s different from the original. The original characters have been done to death. I like the fact that an intelligent Indian woman is a producer and voice of Velma. And that Daphne is Asian. I think it keeps things interesting while still paying homage to what came before.

None of this means that the show will magically be good or bad, because none of the things I’ve mentioned have a direct influence on what makes the show good or bad. The show may end up being bad by the end of the season. Or it may end up being Pretty good.

The first two episodes were intriguing enough. I’m willing to give it a shot.

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@skyzyx I wonder why there are so few of us that have this opinion. I am 4 eps in and are still interested. Its sad that somehow multiculturalism is considered "far left."

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Shout by AJRobson
BlockedParent2021-08-15T19:29:19Z— updated 2022-11-14T12:16:51Z

Why? Just watch the original version, 100% this won't go more than a season

Currently watching season 2 lol it certainly got better than the first episode!

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@dougeller I don't think its better, I just think the US versions is tailored to the audience. They both work towards their perspective audiences.

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Reply by Matts

I just don't agree with all these comments about just watching the UK version. The Americanized Office worked, why can't this one? That is all you hear, "don't they ever have any ideas of their own?" There are countless attempts at original shows every year and no one watches them either. Starting a show with a built-in audience just make sense sometimes.

And after just seeing the hour premiere, I do enjoy it just as much as the original. They did change some of the characters and im all for the differences.

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@defuria I can agree that the American version doesn't do a good job at making them feel like ghosts. Maybe its too bright? I still enjoy watching after 35 episodes but yeah its not really the same as the original. I wouldn't call the original fresher though. They are written for completely different audiences after all.

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