

Hong Kong

Undone: Season 2

Part of life is accepting that bad things are gonna happen. And finding ways to move through them together.

That's core of the whole story.

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Undone: Season 1

First season is about a girl trying to save her father, but people around her though she is crazy since her dad was dead when she was a child. I don't know the truth, I thought she is crazy at last, but I don't know, the show is great.

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Severance: Season 1

the 1st session is good, but what I'm afraid is it's feels like another show LOST, the writers put lots of mystery there and couldn't finished all of them. waiting for the next season, hope the story getting completed.

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Shards of Her: Season 1

The core of story is great, I love it, but the lots scenes just has no logic, most activity didn't push the story forwards, and the act didn't feel right.

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