

Seattle, Washington

Nocturnal Animals

Wow. What a riveting and sad movie. I enjoyed it a lot. This was actually my second watch but it still felt like my first. Really makes you think about the choices you make in life.

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Blade Runner 2049

This was a super duper cool movie. I loved the cinematography and acting between the characters. The music wasn't the greatest but it really picked up during the last bit of the movie. This sequel feels as if it does more with the acting and scenes rather than the dialogue compared to the original. Not that that is bad, its just that this movie utilizes things differently than the original.
I gave it 9 out of 10 cause I kept getting confused, but by the end of it I think I understood mainly what had happened. Overall it was a very fun experience and super awesome. I hope to watch it again someday.
"Pain is a reminder that the joy you once felt was real"

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Lost in Translation

This is such a beautiful movie. At first it seemed kind of slow to me but then it picked up and if I could have my first time watch of this again I would cause of how sweet and empty it made me feel at the end. Everyone should watch this.

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This was supposed to be a dark comedy but I didn't chuckle or laugh once. I was super uncomfortable and grossed out the whole time. I genuinely hope that one day I can completely forget about this awful movie and never think or hear about it again.

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Only God Forgives

Jake had a wonderful performance. Felt very much like a psychopath tbh. The other actors were phenomenal as well. The cinematography was great and had beautiful shots throughout. The plot was also very good and well-paced as well. I had a wonderful time watching this.

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