



This movie is pretty much a rip off of "Last House on the Left". Same plot with one difference at the end.

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Am I the only person that thinks the main character resembles H.P. Lovecraft?

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One Cut of the Dead

If you were teaching a film class, this would be a good film to show.

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The Good, the Bad, the Weird

Certainly the best Korean "Western" if not the best Asian Western overall, it's a blast to watch. Be sure to watch the original (Korean/DVD) cut instead of the international (Netflix) cut. The international version leaves out a couple of scenes at the end which tell you what happened to some of the main characters.

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The Good, the Bad, the Weird

Certainly the best Korean "Western" if not the best Asian Western overall, it's a blast to watch. Be sure to watch the original (Korean/DVD) cut instead of the international (Netflix) cut. The international version leaves out a couple of scenes at the end which tell you what happened to some of the main characters.

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Burial Ground

The zombies in this movie display more intelligence and cunning than what you see in other zombie movies, using objects and wepons to break into a home and trap people, where in other movies zombies are pretty much mindless and easily fooled.

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Ebirah, Horror of the Deep

Shout by Meduos

So what were the bad guys trying to do here and who are they? Other than "we have a secret base, we're taking in people as slaves to work for us to do something I don't know what". Also it's implied that they have bases elsewhere but I never saw them mentioned anywhere else.

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Merry Little Batman

And they have a cat named Selena, I wonder if they got it from a certain cat burglar. Anyhow this does have it's moments as it isn't intended to be serious.

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Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2023-10-05T06:14:55Z— updated 2023-10-08T00:13:14Z

Also known under the title "Killer Karaoke". I guess to not confuse it with another movie that was also called Premika. The actress playing the lead, Gena Desouza, had appeared as a guest at the New York Asian American Film Festival in 2018 when this movie screened there. I found it to be a fun and goofy movie. And let's face it, if you were to ask which country makes the highest percentage of horror movies that are also comedies, it is Thailand. If you see a horror movie from that country, there's a good chance it's also a comedy.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Shout by Meduos

Nice that we get to see more of Hank Pym here.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

In the comics, Namor is known as being the world's first mutant, his mutant ability being the wings on his ankles that enable him to fly. He also refers to himself as a mutant in this movie, making it the first mention of mutants in the MCU.

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John Wick: Chapter 4
John Wick: Chapter 4

Nice call back to the Warriors movie, during the night scene in Paris, you got a female DJ on the air broadcasting to the assassins where John Wick was last seen.

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Thor: Ragnarok

We see Skurge the Excutioner using machine guns against Hela's forces, which is something that did occur in the comics, the cover of Thor# 362 shows Skurge doing this. The story arc this occurs in is after the one involving Malekith and the Dark elves as shown in Thor The Dark World where the elves invaded Earth and Assgardian forces stopped them. Another Assgardian, Harokin, got the firearms from soem U.S. soldiers and brought them to Assgard where they were given to Skurge so he could hold off Hela's forces.

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Zombie Strippers!

I knew this movie was going to shit as soon as I saw the military group that got called in, they looked like a bunch of young adults that were cosplaying at being soldiers with lots of wasted bullets. Also what is supposed to be a top secret sealed lab has a tunnel leading to a strip club, WTF? Being horny certainly overrides survival sense.

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Aleta: Vampire Mistress

What the hell, an hour into the movie and there's a musical number in what is supposed to be a horror movie? This isn't bollywood.

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Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

In Ghost of Frankenstein Bela Lugosi played Igor, who's brain ended up being transplanted into the monsters body, and in this movie, the follow up, Lugosi plays the monster.

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Bride of Frankenstein

In the scene where the hunters find the monster in the home of the blind man, they yell that it's the monster created by Frankenstein, yet prior to this no one knew that Frankenstein was the one that created the monster.

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Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things

I saw this a couple of years after it first came out on TV and it was actually the very first zombie movie I ever saw so much of what I knew about flesh eating zombies came from this movie.

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Black Widow

The first scene takes place in 1993 and has Natasha as a little girl living in the mid west, Ohio. Her character has multi color hair which would be unusual for a girl of that age today, let alone one in the mid west during that time period, especially one who was supposed to be undercover and thus should not be drawing attention to herself.

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La Flor

They overdo it with the blurred backgrounds and scenes in this thing, the blurs often go too long.

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

I hadn't seen this movie since the late 1970's and didn't remember Barbara Eden and Frankie Avalon being in it. I did remember Walter Pidgeon and Peter Lorre being in it. Del Monroe was only actor in both the movie and in the series. Overall a good movie and it might be one of the earliest ones to later become a TV series. If I recall correctly the main plot this movie was also the plot of one of the TV episodes. I noticed that in both the movie and TV series characters would sometimes smoke cigars or cigarettes in the submarine which is not allowed in submarines today and might not have been allowed back when the movie came out.

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The Night of the Undead

At first glance, the title would make it seem like this is a zombie movie, but there are no zombies, just aliens. The title more likely refers to characters appearing to have been killed but then coming back. I see that someone included that on a list of zombie movies, it really doesn't belong there.

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Mothra vs. Godzilla

Note to people visiting Infant Island, radiation suits won't do you any good if you neglect to wear the included gloves and head gear. Also it looks like Godzilla gets to destroy the another castle as he did in King Kong Vs Godzilla, this time by tripping on it. the guy just loves to destroy landmarks.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Really, the best fighter in the comics, Cassandra Cain, is reduced to being pretty much a helpless victim type. In the comics Cain could beat any of the other ladies in this group. She even beat her mother, Lady Shiva, a person that Batman was never able to beat. She was pretty much Batman's surrogate daughter for a while.

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Death Billiards

This short movie was later made into the series "Death Parade".

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Pretty much a reboot of Yongary monster from the Deep

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Godzilla vs. Gigan

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2020-11-21T17:50:18Z— updated 2021-05-02T01:15:46Z

From the description: "Godzilla and Anguirus quickly decipher the message and begin a plan of action." This makes it look like giant monsters are doing spy work. And I wrote this before seeing the movie, after seeing the movie I see what they mean, in an early scene they are talking about investigating something they sensed and we have their monster dialogue in written balloons before they go off to investigate.

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Son of Frankenstein

Unlike in the previous movie, Karloff actually doesn't speak, appearing to be less intelligent than in his previous movies. But in the scenes where he's murdering people, he does show some intelligence in how he's doing it rather than just randomly killing. Also Frankenstein was well known as having created the monster but in the previous movies the towns people were pretty much unaware that he was the one who actually created the monster. Lugosi does a good job in adding Ygor to the movie franchise, a character who was not in the original book but had since become a part of the movie canon. The home interiors were real freaky, reminding me of the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Still one of the classics.

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