



It didn't hit me until the last episode but this series also introduces the Swordsman character, Jack Duquesne (Jacques Duquesne in the comics). In the comics this character was the one who first trained Hawkeye and they've always had a connection.

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Detective Conan

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2017-04-29T15:04:00Z— updated 2018-04-06T03:56:03Z

Known in the U.S. as "Case Closed", apparently because fans of the "Conan the Barbarian" character raised a big stink over the name, saying that the only Conan they will allow is the barbarian. They seemed to have overlooked Conan O'Brian.

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Hazbin Hotel

I was thinking when I first saw clips of this that the artwork looked the same as another series, "Helluva Boss" ( and then I noticed it's from the same creator.

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Cat's Eye

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2021-12-21T02:01:43Z— updated 2021-12-27T18:20:26Z

You're supposed to be a phantom thief but most of the criminals you've come across have seen your face, and there's no kind of repercussions from that? I guess the writer stole the idea from the Black Cat character from the Spider-man comics, but at least that one wore a mask.

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Seven Mortal Sins

Incorrect description. This is not an adaption of the media franchise The 7 Deadly Sins (七つの大罪 Nanatsu no Taizai) which is completely different from this series.

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The series plays like one of those ero videogames that are popular in Japan. The first 4 chapters are the set up, then from there various story arcs that take place involving the main male character with each of the different girls but taking place during the same time period which would be confusing if you weren't aware it was playing out like a videogame where you have different routes. I don't see this as ecchi since there are no fan service like panty shots, there's a lot worse series in that department. I also didn't agree with the male lead joining the pervert photography club, but he ended up screwing up their plans whenever he found out about them targeting anyone

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Anime fans have complained for the past few years that the quality of anime has gone down, this is one of the series that bought it back up. It is one of the best sci fi anime series ever. Starts out slow but becomes a good thriller towards the end.

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I've noticed that Trakt only has 7 seasons listed while Netflix has seasons 7 - 10, having just recently dropped the first 6 seasons that
originally aired on FOX. Did Netflix make further episodes since I don't see them mentioned anywhere else?

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Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?

This series takes fan service accidents to a whole new level, completely ignoring the laws of probability. Most people couldn't make up the kind of wardrobe malfunctions that occur in this series.

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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

As I'm writing this, the series is up to 179 episodes based on a manga that has only 48 chapters. Considering that 2 chapters make up one episode when going to anime, that means there's a lot of filler in this series, which was something that the pervious series was often criticized for.

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Bodacious Space Pirates

I remember when CrunchyRoll debuted this series a decade ago, the previews had the title as "Moretsu Space Pirates", but when it finally aired the title was changed to "Bodacious Space Pirates". Better yet, the title of the light novel series it was based on is "Mini Shirt Space Pirates".

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Fear Newspaper

The plot of this is pretty much the same as the anime series Horror News, , except this one is live action

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Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross

This is the middle of the three series known as "Robotech" in the U.S. and in my opinion, the worst. The lead character is an entitled brat who keeps getting into trouble, and is too immature to be in a position of leadership. It's not good when in half the episodes you find yourself wishing they would just lock this bitch up to keep her from f*cking up things. The U.S. version also has an extra episode to link it to the previous Robotech series.

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Alice in Borderland

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2020-12-19T07:43:14Z— updated 2021-04-21T14:18:06Z

This is the same show as, but the other one should be the correct one as it has an entry in TMDB and this one does't.

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Great Pretender

Supposedly Japan’s greatest swindler, you can't be that great if you let your emotions rule you like it does Makoto. I know it's a Japanese trope that Japanese men are more emotional but there's a time and place. the writer of this series should have read the series "Black Swindler" which is also about a Japanese con man who doesn't fall into that trope.

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Ah! My Buddha

Shout by Meduos
BlockedParent2020-05-16T18:23:26Z— updated 2020-12-19T05:31:56Z

Probably a bit too much fan service as that many of the "camera" angles are intended to show panty shots, really in every episode there's at least one shot. Also the male lead, Ikko gets beat up in every episode, with a couple of the girls seeming to look for an excuse to assault him.

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The male lead looks and sounds like a young John Cena. If Cena did a role where he needed someone to play his college aged son, this dude could do it.

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Samurai Cat

At this time, June 2019, series is airing on Asian Crush.

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Thunderbolt Fantasy

Reminds me of the old Gary Anderson series from the 1960's that used puppets, series like "Thunderbirds", "Stingray" and "Captain Scarlet". It was interesting to see those puppets being made to attempt marital arts moves and sword fighting. And the main character showed himself to be move than expected at the end of the first season.

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Good Luck Girl!

I saw this series when it first came out under the original title "Binbougami ga!" which refers to the poverty goddess of the series and it was very funny back then. The English title was created when an English dub of the series was released a couple of years later.

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The series is also know in the US as (first season) "Working!!", (second season) "Working'!!", and (third season) "Working!!!". This causes confusion with any auto tracking apps.

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