

North Carolina

The Pool

The premise is so dumb. Also, if your goal is to make viewers remember your mediocre movie by killing a dog you've had throughout the entire movie at the very end, eat every dick.

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Ghost Stories

The English dub of this has aged so, so horribly lol. Be aware if you are watching with other people -- it's so not PC.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

I guess everyone complaining about the lack of sci-fi and 'Black Mirror' element missed the fact that this literally happens with people's stories being exploited for streaming documentaries every day, and it's only getting worse as technology continues to ensure everything is recorded for 'posterity'. Powerful episode.

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The Outwaters

Definitely not a movie for everyone. It is super abstract and confusing, and nothing is really wrapped up well. That said, I loved it. I'm a huge fan of cosmic horror and this fit into that niche really nicely. It was shot really well and I loved how the film just felt like watching a terrifying nightmare. It was totally weird and creepy and unsettling, and I think it's going to stay with me for a long time.

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School's Out Forever

Definitely not a comedy...not sure why they decided to market it as such. A surprisingly dark and tense film, especially given all the children involved. Good acting but some of the characters just make really stupid decisions, which hurt the plot.

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An incredibly realistic portrayal of mental illness and how it can be passed down. I loved it and it had me both laughing and in tears, but it may not be relateable for everyone.

Additionally, I would not call this horror at all. It is very much a dark psychodrama, so know that going in.

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Stake Land

Shout by megamelfina

Pretty good. I liked the vampires, and the idea of it being a disease was cool. However, there were some big annoying plot holes, and the ending was a real letdown.

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This movie was probably a 1/10 if you watched it in 1988. Watching it now, I had a good time. It's pretty hilarious.

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Children of the Corn

holy shit this was bad. I don't even have any more words...

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You Are Not My Mother

As the daughter of a mother with bipolar disorder, this was a brutal watch. So I guess be forewarned that the horror definitely comes from the mental illness aspect -- the supernatural aspect very much seems like just a metaphor for the reality of such a horrible mental illness, how it can be passed down, and how it affects the family around them, especially the children.

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Night Shot

A found footage where nothing really happens. The ending was quite confusing and left me wondering what this was supposed to be -- supernatural? slasher? zombies?? Overall, I can appreciate the effort but it was a real let-down.

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Blood Moon

Everyone in this movie sucks, especially the irresponsible 'mother'. Characters who are horrible and make terrible decisions just make a movie really hard to enjoy.

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I Saw the Devil

Amazing crime drama. Be prepared for emotional devastation and lots of gore.

Team Kim Soohyeon forever.

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The Innocents

Pretty intense watch. Overall well done, although some parts just make you roll your eyes.

I did take a lot off my rating for the unnecessarily graphic cat death scene. I mean, just come on man. Kill a cat without the dramatics. Skip 24m-28m if you aren't a sociopath.

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Piranha 3DD

This movie is so stupid and hilarious. It's no masterpiece - it's the kind of film I watch when my husband and I want to dissolve into giggles over ridiculous shit like decapitated heads getting motorboated.

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This movie was not for me. I think it had a lot of interesting aspects and effects, but overall it just has not aged well. The stereotypes for the girls was uncomfortable, and even more uncomfortable was the excessive nudity of the schoolgirls (especially given how childishly they were portrayed). There's not much story to be found, and I think that hurts the film overall. It's definitely experimental and weird, which I normally love, but at the end of the day it doesn't do enough to feel like more than a surreal exploitation film.

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Not terrible. Definitely have to suspend belief a bit for some aspects. Some cool kills, but would have been better if even more rapists got killed and they outed the frat at the end.

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You can see from the comments that if you don't want to have to put any sort of brain power into a movie, you won't like this.

If you enjoy films that leave the narrative more up to your imagination and require some intellectual input, this is a superb watch. Amazing what they accomplished with such a small budget and cast. Beautifully shot and I was surprisingly invested in the characters despite the limited dialogue. Watch in the dark with headphones for a deeply disturbing experience.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x04 The Outside

Shout by megamelfina

God, I am so fucking sick of the horror take on 'beauty = confidence' and the 'She's All That' trope. Especially with this one episode actually having decent source material in the web comic. The adaptation is shameful. Where is the deeply ingrained body dysmorphia, where is the body horror, where is the feeling of misplaced identity? Awful.

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Black Water

Legit one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

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Resident Evil

Shout by megamelfina

I love the RE games, and I was really excited for this series with a new take. Unfortunately, it's really just 'meh'. It's shot beautifully and I love the zeroes (zombies) and the creatures you see. That said, the plot is all over the place, and super disjointed when it comes to information matching up past to present.

Sadly, the biggest nail in the coffin though is the fact that there's not really a single character to like and root for. This cast of characters is the dumbest I've ever seen, and it only gets worse as it goes on. By episode four or so, I was hoping Jade specifically would get eaten or something so we could follow basically anyone else. She is the legit worst.

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This movie was very slow, then turned into an exposition-fest, and then ended with me somehow still being like WTF did I just watch.

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Royal Jelly

Oof. This movie was not good. Also, it's only about an hour and a half but somehow feels like an eternity.

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I actually had fun with this, it's pretty hilarious. Also Princess the dog cracked me up.

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Shout by megamelfina
BlockedParent2022-05-31T19:45:57Z— updated 2023-03-08T03:37:53Z

Well, it's pretty. If you like movies with minimal dialogue, a lot of people staring at each other, and zero plot, give it a go. Everyone else...don't waste your time. There's just nothing here to really get into, and the only reason I'll remember it is because it made me feel pretty gross watching those poor boys.

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Fear Itself: 1x02 Spooked

Shout by megamelfina

This was so flipping dumb. Why the heck, out of all the shit this crooked cop did, are we supposed to feel bad that he killed a child kidnapper/possibly torturer? Maybe focus on literally anything else he did to an innocent person instead of someone who deserved it. Also, some of the plot holes...holy cow. Terrible premise, terrible execution, super disappointing.

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This basically tried to be Cloverfield with religious undertones and failed miserably. Nothing is fleshed out as far as mythology goes, there's no explanation for the random giant creature, and the acting is extremely questionable. No likable characters and not even any fun deaths, really.

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Warning: Do Not Play

I can appreciate the effort but it veers off into nowhere in the second half. It had a cool setup which makes it more frustrating that the conclusion was an awful mess.

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They Live in the Grey

This is not a horror movie - don't go in expecting your typical haunted house scares. This is very much a drama, focusing on grief and loss with some supernatural elements. I thought it was very well done, and the lead actress does an amazing job.

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Loved this. The message is obvious but not too in-your-face, and the body horror aspects are amazing. Visually, the movie is stunning and I found the characters really engaging as well. I liked how it never necessarily spelled things out for you regarding the 'truth' of the entity and fungus.

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