



So happy to see Emily Rose (she will always be Elena to me, uncharted series for those who don't know).

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Season 1 was good, season 2 was...weird.. and it was cancelled on a cliff hanger. Just for anyone thinking of watching it stop after season 1 and you'll be happier for it.

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Station 19: 1x03 Contain the Flame

I will probably continue to watch as background filler, but the fact that dialog was more important than the urgency of leaving the firehouse for a call totally ruins the realism. Trying my best to leave my love for Chicago Fire behind while watching this, but its apparant this show will never compare. I think the shondaland (greys anatomy) style of writing just doesn't work at all here.

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Madam Secretary: 4x22 Night Watch

Wow, I just finished re-watching this episode for the 3rd time (definitely one of the top 3 of this show), and I seen the news that the US is pulling from the nuclear arms treaty, what a coincidence (a disturbing one).

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The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate

Oh, how annoyed we would have been for this to be the ending of the Series. SO excited for the next season, this was just awesome on so many levels.

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The Expanse: 3x04 Reload

I envy those who binge watch these, I cant deal waiting weekly, its just too good.

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The Good Fight: 2x03 Day 422

The last few seconds, I love Diane :)

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Killing Eve: 1x03 Don't I Know You?

Amazing cast, love this show.

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Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

Audrey and Jack back together again, more!

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The Expanse: 3x01 Fight or Flight

That was so short. I missed this!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

Clicking the tick and seeing "This show has ended".... hoping for a few spin offs.

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Suits: 8x05 Good Mudding

Suits is finally getting good after that slump. Louis jokes were sooo good, really glad they brought sheila back for their chemistry.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x09 Project Daedalus

It's frustrating, parts of the story drags (uninteresting) while others which are meant to be huge plots/emotional moments, just appear in one single episode so fast we can't absorb it. I am left feeling unemotional for a character that was barely developed dying while all the crew are affected, some more development over several episodes would really help. Same went for Suru, his near death fell flat because apart from some good one liners, I had not yet connected to his character. Looking forward to the Expanse returning for some much needed all round epic space moments.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x21 The Force of Gravity

Glen absorbing someone, potentially his powers.... yeah that wasn't too on the nose for this previous Heroes actor lol.

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Killing Eve: 1x01 Nice Face

So excited to see Sandra Oh again, and playing right into her strong comedic timing. This was great.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x18 Be Still, My Soul

Sleeping at last... the soundtrack sponsors of greys now, I love them, but interesting they seem be appear in every single episode now.

I don't like how the stories seem to be told within a single episode now. We used to get a patient story in one, a characters family story across several, and a season story. The season direction is completely lost, and although we get the odd great episode, I feel like if I missed one episode I wouldn't miss a thing. Can we hit the reset button and bring Christina back? Or finally bring a spin off with her on the cards, I fear they don't knowing it would instantly gather twice the viewership than this

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NCIS: 16x20 Hail & Farewell

I love Gibbs, but bringing in another (almost) wife, his stories have come to an end and the show sadly needs to move on or it will die. Either bring back ziva as new team lead (pay her anything for it!), or end the show. I am a die hard watching since the pilot aired, but its time for a dramatic shift.

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NCIS: 16x13 She

I think NCIS would do EXTREMELY well if they brought Ziva back to replace Gibbs as lead (so he can retire). I only wish it had happened before Abby had left. It would bring a much needed reboot to the show.

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Salvation: 2x09 The Manchurian Candidate

I love the characters, but the writing direction of this show seems to have literally lost the plot. Maybe if they handed out whatever the writers are smoking we could enjoy it too haha.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x21 The Force of Gravity

Maybe on re-watching this seasons story will feel better, but for some reason I just haven't enjoyed it as much as previous years. This worries me for renewal...

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The Expanse: 3x03 Assured Destruction

sooooo good! cant wait for more

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Designated Survivor: 2x15 Summit

The references to the korian dmz was rather cringy here. Also feel like Dr Frost aka Audrey Raines aka Dr altman had some serious throwbacks here, hope to see more of her.

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The Good Fight: 4x01 The Gang Deals With Alternate Reality

That was awesome. I was tripping on reality too. That synopsis of the "crazy dream" ending with deal on Netflix was hilarious. In a laugh or you'd cry kinda way.

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Shooter: 3x01 Backroads

Awesome action shots (slow motion) and lens artefacts.

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NCIS: 15x22 Two Steps Back

I am still annoyed that pauley and mark could not make peace to give abby the send off she deserved, but that was good nonetheless. We have officially lost the heart of the show. Seriously hoping we get to see pauley and michael together in something in the future!

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Suits: 8x16 Harvey

Only just noticed this was the season finale! (1 season and series ending to go)

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Chicago Fire: 7x10 Inside These Walls

Set up what could have been a much larger story arc, summed up in an episode... surely there is more ?? :/

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Chicago Fire: 3x01 Always

I binge watched the first two seasons earlier this year, and somehow within a few days Shay became such an important character that her leaving hit me as much as 10 year characters death has, a testament to the writing of this show and to Lauren as an actress.

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NCIS: 15x18 Death from Above

Shout by sparkplug

The whole gibbs/abby fallout has really made the entire group dynamic very stale :( It's sad, because her leaving won't be as good as her character deserves.

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Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

Shout by sparkplug

Audrey and Jack back together again, more!

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