Michael Adams


Rome, Georgia

Do Revenge

She still hit her with a car though :skull: like i'd be crazy enough to forgive her for everything else but girl... cmon now...

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What Men Want

I really liked this, actually found it funny too.

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Alice, Sweet Alice

Normally I have to slug through older movies and can’t really view them like I view newer movies. But this was so entertaining, I loved it.

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Well Groomed

I know they obviously use safe dyes and sprays, but that’s not what I have a problem with.

What I have a problem with is the idea that a dog just standing there forever means it’s fine with it. They have to be tied up on a table with nothing to do, surrounded by strangers and tons of noise.

Like with Toddlers & Tiaras: the kid being promised McDonald’s after, or in this case treats, doesn’t mean they enjoy being there. Them not throwing a fit during the pageant doesn’t mean they’re fine with it. Except kids have more stimulation during those pageants, the dogs are just standing there bored.

Coloring your dogs is whatever, and having fun with the grooming is whatever too. But turning it into a competition is awful.

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