Michael Richards


South wales

Split Second

Love this film, it has the right amount of humour, suspense and a bit out there seen it loads of times. I used to own this on VHS and wore the thing out, I like films like this and blade runner it has something about them you can watch loads of times.

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Altered Carbon: 1x05 The Wrong Man

Hard going to start season but so worth watching this series.

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I was hoping for a scream, politically incorrect close to the edge. It is run of the mill.

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Shocking Dark

Exactly the same plot as Aliens but in toxic Venice. You can match the characters up to ripley, newt and so on. The Acting makes it funny and the dialogue is mono tone like a 50s superhero film. typical low budget film of the era.

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Run of the mill reboot don’t bother didn’t make me laugh at all, typical girl flick when they just broke up with there man and need something to watch while eating ice cream, it’s just a P.C film with role reversal. It’s not a touch on the original

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Anger of the Dead

I found it really hard to stay interested in this one, no one had any real passion in there acting, I didn’t feel the film it needed the excitement level turned up to 11. Only made 50mins of the film and gave up

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Zombie Night

Amateur remake of night of the living dead, didn’t feel it from the actors at all which is disappointing because it could still be a good film.

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Anti Corona Virus

It’s like a bad instructional idea of what to do with lots of inaccuracies and monotone rigid acting, your stuck inside the house on quarantine so why not. You won’t get this time back.

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Virus of the Dead

A lot of time is spent filming juddery and skipping like it’s being broadcast over the internet with limited speed due to the virus out break, it’s quite sickly to watch gave me a headache by 00:14:56. I do get we would all be blogging if this happened but the random freezing and video crashing was unnecessary. It’s a no from me.

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The Curse of Halloween Jack

Re hash of the Halloween films with a 10p budget, It was that bad, I thought it might be funny, it really wasn’t

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The Burning

Great 80”s slasher if your tired of P.C films and want to be fe minded of a time we just wanted to be entertained watch this puppy.

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2036 Origin Unknown

Is this anyway connected to the tv series another life? Same actress same type of thing?

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Description Calendars have added an extra day every four years, in doing so, we have violated the ancient Mayan calendar. Now, we are in the 13th month of the 13th year of the new millennium. The few who survive will battle a world of demons.

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Not good, thirty minutes in not a lot happening after looking at the cover it looks really good but the cover is the best part. Sound quality let it down quite a bit. Epidemic films are usually explosive and gripping sadly not this one.

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