

Warsaw, Mazovia


It's actually better than the original, on every aspect. From characters, through humor, storytelling and up to the story itslef.

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Forgotten Love

If i could rate this movie by the minute i would give 9/10 to first 90% of it... And then 2/10 for the ending.
Ending lacks... This something, that spark the original had. Scene in the courtroom where everything unfolds and becomes clear... In the remake this scene is... Well it's less logical, it's not an old friend who recognizes our main hero, but his daughter... Who had never seen the man! In the original whole scene became iconic in Poland, you can not remember whole movie but you know this single scene, it has power! And here it's a bit confusing and dissapointing. It's just... It's just worse. What's even worse there is great potential for that "Iconic moment" and when you think "Oh! That's it! That's THE moment" it just stops and kills yours satsifaction. Honestly those few minutes destroyed mu whole experience with overall great movie

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I Feel Pretty

It tries to teach being confident and not to judge book by its cover... And it fails so miserably in doing so... Dear god. We tried to watch with my girlfriend and we nearly died out of cringe.
This movie could have been great, there was good concept, there was an idea, and then it went down the hill.
Not worth watching.

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First of all - It doesn't deserve all that hate and controversy around it. I assume most of the comments about pedophilia in this movie around the web are coming from people who didn't even try to actually see that movie.
Yes, it is disturbing. Yes, it's not something easy to watch. But it's not over-sexualized, it does have a point it tries to make and does it good enough.
It's not a great movie, and it's not a bad movie, it's an OK drama trying to tell a story about children who are trying to copy sexualized content from the web without understanding what they're doing

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

Im not a fan of MCU, Im not a fan of superhero movies. But God Damn this one deserves all the praises.

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Incredibles 2

It was a chore to watch. From the beginning i knew who was the bad guy and guessed all the plot twists. I honestly wanted to skip whole middle part of the movie, why even watch if i know what will happpen at the end? You could shorten this whole movie to 30 minutes tops, just leaving main events and jokes and it would be much better. It wasn't intresting or fun, whole thing was just meh, nothing special, just... Just meh.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2

So so sooooo freaking basic. There's nothing in this movie you wouldn't expect. It's like made from blueprint for "action movies for children".

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Your basic child movie plot but this time with some painfully stupid overlay. Snail that goes fast because he fell into an nitro infused engine. Dear God.

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That may be, honestly, my biggest suprise of the year. I was expecting this to be classic rip off of a idea. Made cheap, with few bad punes, just enough to keep you throught up to the credits... But no!

My GF made me watch first ep with her, and im thankful for that, we binged through whole season.
That's something you actually enjoy watching!

Few original ideas, fun, light series. Even when there are cringeworthy scenes they're not extended to the borders of capabilities of human movie taste (Like it tends to in polish pop cinematography)

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While music is great and whole concept for a plot is quite original it just... It just didn't work somehow. I mean, it was nice. But the kind of "nice" where you start to browse your phone at some point in the movie while still watching.

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Power Rangers

This is the first comment that i made on this site. This movie was such a suprise for me that i actually had to do it.

Power Rangers took me by suprise. I expected something dull and straight bad, instead i got an actually good movie which took me right back to my childhood when i was in love with the show. It got me intrested and happy. This is a well made Power Rangers movie.
If you're thinking about watching it then just go and do just that. Movie's worth it.

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