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Omicron Persei 8


after watching the entire season I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I love Gothic horror so this is right up my alley but I also read the short story so I can see the missed opportunity. Also, this was quite a slow show and the payoff wasn't very rewarding. They didn't even have the white worm show up at the end which is mostly why I kept watching. The ending was also kind of idiotic and made no sense along with some other decisions along the way. If they went by the short story it would have been a much creepier tale and quite a bit more interesting with the events that happen. Adrien Brody does a good job at the character although he doesn't seem to be able to stop whispering. If they thought the story was interesting enough to make a show out of it, why didn't they stick by it instead of making something that was far less interesting? I don't know, I'm assuming my excitement for what the show could have been made this an average watch for me at most.

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