C. S. C.



Queens on the Run

How is this rated so low? It's a great show! The participants' performances and skills really impressed me, and the whole setting of a traveling bus is done beautifully. Xuxa and Ikaro are fantastic hosts, proposing fun challenges and inviting great guests. I cannot wait to see more!

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Zero Chill

It's been a long time since I have not enjoyed a show like this. It's cute and light-hearted, the characters and easy to like, and none of them are annoying. There are some very nice ice-skating scenes with pretty costumes. No petty relationship drama, the friendships are sweet, the family is adorable. I definitely enjoyed it and I hope there is a second season.

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The content is good, the series is funny, and the cast delivers what they have always delivered, no disappointment. What could be improved is the editing. A 20 minutes format would work better than the half hour episodes, as some jokes just seem to stretch for too long and would benefit from brevity.

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21 Thunder

At first I thought this would just be a lot of eye candy and no substance, but oh, I was mistaken on that second part. I became totally addicted! I cannot wait for the confirmation of season 2!

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13 Reasons Why

It is a very well done show, and I like the mystery aspect of it - in a way, it reminded me of that old cliche plot in which a rich man dies and leaves his will behind to torment all his relatives. But it is just SO melodramatic, and the episodes are too long for so much absurd teenage drama. It is just plain surreal what goes on in a single class. It is hard not to eyeroll. Finishing it is out of the question for me.

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Christiane Amanpour: Sex & Love Around the World

I love this series, and I wish it would get a few more episodes. I admire Amanpour very much, as she acts with genuine curiosity, rather than admonishment. She expresses how strange something sounds to her white western culture and rather conservative upbringing, without passing judgment on the more forward cultures or demonizing the more conservative or extreme ones. I like how she talks so naturally people in each country, always showing the two sides of women's lives and opinions, the ones who are conservative, and the ones who are progressive, and also the ones who found stability in the middle, and still making the whole thing very cohesive within each place's cultural context. Each episode is very well thought of, brilliantly written, and put together perfectly. Each minute of footage counts for the story being told.

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The Middle

Quitting while you are ahead is an art. I will miss The Middle, but I love how I can remember its final season as a great one, instead of a "meh", or worst, as the season that ruined everything (does it not happen too often?). The show was solid entertainment from beginning to end.

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Toma Lá, Dá Cá

Brazil rarely produces sitcoms, but when it does, they tend to be pure gold and this one is my favorite of them all.

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Haters Back Off

What struck me about this show was simply my reaction to Miranda, as I often found myself hoping things would go very wrong for her, or that another character would be mean to her. While she is most definitely a sociopath, showing no understanding of the concept of other people, these aren't fair feelings to have for someone who obviously just doesn't know any better, and I guess this show ironically made me wonder if I am, in fact, a hater.

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Scream Queens

So many shows turned awful this season I nearly dropped everything I was watching. Scream Queen though, is a beacon of hope. There's still TV I can endure out there.

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Girl Meets World

I agree with Shanice entirely. The script can be very silly, but every situation just ends in a beautiful note. Not so similar to the content in Boy Meets World in my opinion, this show stands on its own. It's also the sweetest one Disney Chanel has come up with in a long time and it's just impossible not to love Riley's pure heart.

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Big Time Rush

I haven't enjoyed many Nick shows for the past, well, 15 years or so, but Big Time Rush was great! It reminded me a lot of older shows I used to love.

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Arrested Development

Fourth season was a bit of a disappointment, but it was nice to see these characters again.

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