

Omicron Persei 8

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

This film is easily one of the most fun movies that I've seen in a while. So good!

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x15 Legacy of Mandalore

Well that was an awesome episode.

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Powerless: 1x04 Emily Dates a Henchman

This show just keeps getting better.

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Yellowjackets: 1x08 Flight of the Bumblebee

Best show on television right now, a real rollercoaster in every sense. My MVP changes from week to week - and for all the Lost comparisons there's tons of Leftovers DNA here.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x01 Red Directive

you know, if i was watching a show five seasons in and still moaning about it i think I'd probably have given up by now but that might be just me

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Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths

Excellent way to end the season, this one has been the best since the first.

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Lawrence of Arabia

A true epic! They just don't make them like they used to.

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Your Name.

Not a huge anime fan, but damn. This was incredible.

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Preacher: 1x02 See

That whole Church scene was amazing, real highlight of the episode.

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The Leftovers: 3x05 It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World

Nothing short of a masterpiece. Hands down, the best show currently airing.

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All the hate for this film is completely undeserved. Seen it today - excellent fun! Kate McKinnon kills it.

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The Originals: 3x22 The Bloody Crown

Good ending, finishes an excellent third season.

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Memories of Murder

An excellent movie that fans of David Fincher's Zodiac will love.

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Amazing performances from Jake Gyllenhaal & Judah Lewis, this film is underrated, awesome and well worth a watch.

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Almost Famous

Excellent film! Killer soundtrack. Great for a rewatch.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

An underrated film that's incredibly stylish and cool.

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Star Trek Beyond

Best film of the rebooted series yet.

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Baby Driver

Edgar Wright's best movie yet, and that's saying something. Don't miss this one.

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The Departed

Just rewatched this movie. An excellent film, one of Scorsese's best. Damn good ending.

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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Watched this last night, excellent movie with an excellent performance from both Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt. One of my favourite modern westerns.

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Pete's Dragon

An excellent, family-friendly underseen gem of 2016. A movie with heart and a great soundtrack.

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Doctor Who: 3x03 Gridlock

A mostly really solid episode that follows the present day-past-future formula of the first three episodes of any given season that RTD stuck to quite frequently during his era. The dystopia set-up of an endless motorway of caravans is established with ease, the return of the Macra is handled really well, and I love the establishment of the "You Are Not Alone" mystery with the return of the Face of Boe. Maintains its suspense throughout and Tennant is able to sell even the cheesiest of scenes with the emotional beats handled really well. Novice Hame is handled much better here than in New Earth, and it acts as a great sequel.

"I've Invented a Sport!"

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Doctor Who: 3x04 Daleks in Manhattan (1)

Really fun mood setter featuring an early performance from Andrew Garfield doing an American accent. Infinitely better than Evolution of the Daleks that holds up so much better on a rewatch, the Murray Gold score is firing on all cylinders. It's one of those stories that captures its time setting perfectly.

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The Hateful Eight

Excellent film! One of my favourite Tarantino movies.

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Reservoir Dogs

Amazing movie. Awesome dialogue, superb soundtrack and incredibly cool.

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To Live and Die in L.A.

An excellent crime movie that's one of the best in the genre with a terrific car chase and some great performances.

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Doctor Who: 4x07 The Unicorn and the Wasp

Same school of thought as the previous celebrity historical episodes, but with a surprise Felicity Jones appearance! of course she's the thief, tons of fun with its Cluedo-esque mystery "what are you doing with that lead piping?" and obviously, the CGI with the wasp hasn't aged brilliantly, but it's really fun overall and Agatha Christie and The Doctor teaming up to solve crimes never fails. Also the bit about The Doctor/companions bouncing off ideas about books that the famous authors haven't written to them yet from The Shakespeare Code never gets tiring.

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Doctor Who: 7x03 A Town Called Mercy

One of the best Doctor Who episodes of an otherwise lacklustre Series 7 - everything Cowboys & Aliens should have been, a complex moral thriller set against a classic Rio Bravo/High Noon-type set-up filled with plenty of planned anachronisms and Who fun that questions the morality of The Doctor and allows the show to explore deeper themes than it normally does in monster of the weeks. Darker edged and hard hitting - Ben Browder is a surprisingly good guest star in his all-too brief appearance. Smith is great in this one.

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Doctor Who: 7x04 The Power of Three

A bit rushed especially in its climax but there's a lot of novelty to be had about Kate Stewart, UNIT's return and The Doctor adjusting to life outside the TARDIS despite the fact that he handled it quite well in The Lodger and Closing Time.

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Lost in Translation

A slow moving but excellent film with some great cinematography, great soundtrack and incredible performances.

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