

Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: Discovery: 5x01 Red Directive

you know, if i was watching a show five seasons in and still moaning about it i think I'd probably have given up by now but that might be just me

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Sherlock: Special 9 The Abominable Bride

Well, this was disappointing. Far too convoluted and went nowhere.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Well Season 6 was a complete waste of time then...

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Arrow: 5x01 Legacy

Better than Season 4 so far but that doesn't take much and it's usually after the midseason break this show goes downhill.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x06 Legacy

Probably the weakest episode of the season yet. It's always cool to see more Tasha Yar-related stuff - and exploring Ishara as a character and the differences/similarities between her and her sister helped; why Tasha went to Starfleet and she didn't etc, but as the time went by it felt a bit flat-footed with an all-too generic Coalition vs Alliance fight that I couldn't care about. But it just felt very Season 1-2-y and that's not a good sign. Riker and Data's scenes were the strongest of the episode here.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x13 Devil's Due

This episode felt so out of place with Season 4. Would have been more at home in the earlier seasons - it's one of the weakest of the season so far. Entirely devoted to a bland plot about a fraudster posing as a Devil come to collect her due whose tricks are found out by La Forge at the last minute after an extended and rather lengthy courtroom sequence, this feels like a classic Scooby Doo episode where the villain is revealed to not be a supernatural threat all along. Maybe it would have been more interesting if Ardra had been Q after all...

To be fair, you can tell Marta DuBois is having fun as Ardra even if there isn't much depth to her character and she's very one-dimensional. But everything feels really lazily done here - which is a shame after the excellent episode that preceded it. Very much TNG on autopilot.

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Doctor Who: 7x04 The Power of Three

A bit rushed especially in its climax but there's a lot of novelty to be had about Kate Stewart, UNIT's return and The Doctor adjusting to life outside the TARDIS despite the fact that he handled it quite well in The Lodger and Closing Time.

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Arrow: 3x23 My Name Is Oliver Queen

Well, this was OK. Quite a disappointing ending to what has been a pretty dull season apart from the Brave and the Bold Crossover. Hoping for better in Season 4.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x10 The Loss

Feels like this episode would have been a lot more effective if Troi losing her powers had been a permanent - or at least a longer feature than just being resolved by the end of this episode - but it did lead to some good scenes between her, Riker and Dr. Crusher. But there's some good content here and it feels like not having more Troi-centric episodes has been a missed opportunity.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x14 Clues

Shout by Milo123

Well, this was fun. I did appreciate that little diversion in the holodeck at the beginning with Guinan adding some extra camp to it (any excuse for Patrick Stewart to act differently to how Picard normally would is always welcome) - you can tell that the writers are massive fans of classic noir in just a few short moments.

Once again this is another hour that works as a great character-centric episode for Data, and seeing the crew put together the puzzles and unravel the mystery slowly was effective if a largely fine and unessential episode in the grand scheme of things. There isn't much more to add here.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x16 Galaxy's Child

Shout by Milo123

It's a fun episode, and a rare Geordi-centric one that's a sequel to another Geordi-centric one. There's not much to say about this one again but it's a cool follow up to Booby Trap despite some caveats, and seeing the real Leah Brahms as opposed to the holodeck one was cool. Susan Gibney shined here - the chemistry between the real Gibney and Burton is good even if it ultimately can go nowhere between their characters due to Brahms being married - and it's a shame these are her only two TNG episodes, would have loved to have seen her become more of a feature on the series. At least Gibney got to show up in DS9, though.

Brahms admitting that she hasn't been very fair to Geordi was a bizzare reaction, though, and was a downpoint to an otherwise solid episode. The plot about a space--born alien life form thinking that The Enterprise was its mother was a decent, if unessential, storyline, that TNG has refined enough by now.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x17 Night Terrors

A refreshingly dark nightmare-fuelled episode with some bizarre dreamlike experiences for Troi. Among the more out-there Star Trek episodes of this season, but still, like most of this season so far, incredibly entertaining. Would like to see Trek try out more horror as this was a promising episode, which feels more akin to Doctor Who's scarier episodes rather than Trek but in a good way.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x18 Identity Crisis

Another Geordi episode! Galaxy's Child has the slight edge in terms of Geordi-centric episodes but this was still a good one. Maryann Plunkett was a great guest star here, and her chemistry with Burton was good - based on this and Galaxy's Child, Burton has good chemistry with everyone. I really liked all the special effects in this too for its age but we're in the very early 90s now.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x22 Half a Life

Shout by Milo123

Half a Life (Or: What happens when Star Trek does Midsommar)

In all seriousness though, this episode has a lot in common with Ari Aster's latest. It didn't quite payoff entirely - there's some rough edges around the middle, but I didn't hate this episode. It's perhaps the one that's most at home in Star Trek: The Next Generation out of all of the Star Trek shows. Picard taking a reserve, back seat action to something that feels so inherently wrong a concept as this is certainly not something that Burnham, Sisko or Kirk would have done to name a few examples.

Rather than take the easy route of making the natives of the planet the bad guys or cartoonishly evil, even though they're in the wrong and nobody would argue otherwise (apart from that cult in Midsommar, I guess), the actors do a convincing job of selling their characters' beliefs and the script does an effective job at giving depth to them.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x25 In Theory

Shout by Milo123

This concludes the "trilogy" of inter-species romances (and I say "trilogy" if you take out the previous episode) that bookended the series. that began with The Host & Half a Life. It's where Trek decided to turn into a romantic sci-fi show with... mixed results, but out of these three episodes I found In Theory to be the best. Data literally taking La Forge's advice to heart and asking everyone was fun, and we got to see various takes on his relationship with D'sora from the rest of the crew.

It was sweet, and very awkward with the kind of awkwardness that The Next Generation does so well. It would have been so easy to screw up this episode and it really only works because of how good Brent Spiner is at playing such a likeable character.

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Doctor Who: 14x08 The Hand of Fear (4)

A promising storyline let down by a weak second half, saved by a strong final classic series outing for Elisabeth Sladen who makes those final moments instantly memorable.

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Shadowhunters: 1x01 The Mortal Cup

This was okay. Has potential but the cast needs to improve. Too much exposition.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x08 Future Imperfect

A holodeck within a holdeck concept was a fun idea, I liked seeing Riker's dynamic with the kid and his eventual acceptance of him as his own son - and then for the second time when he realised who he really was. It was fun seeing Tomalak again too after The Defector, and seeing the older versions of the crew - including a promoted Picard and Riker in charge of the Enterprise - was rewarding - it turns out I'm a fan of most Riker-centric episodes at this point.

Nothing special in terms of Trek episodes - although I'm always a sucker for these sort of episodes - but the highlight was easily the confrontation between Riker and the "Romulans" on board the ship when he realised that the whole thing was just a simulation and him telling Picard to shut up which is unironically one of the best moments of the season so far.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x12 The Wounded

That was a good, strong philosophical episode that Trek does really well. Colm Meaney was as great as ever as Miles O'Brien, and another O'Brien heavy-episode in a row? I could get used to this. Feels like a very heavy stage-setter for Deep Space Nine and it's easy to see why O'Brien out of all people made the jump to that show. Hard to believe that only Captain Maxwell was held responsible for this - wouldn't his senior officers be indicted too? Feels like a rather weak response on Starfleet's part and Maxwell deserved far greater punishment. It felt more like a casual, dismissive shrug - also, wouldn't it have been more effective if we'd known Maxwell before this? We've only really seen one side of him here. But aside from that it was a good episode, although the conflict could have been resolved better.

Love to see how well developed the Cardassians are so early on and the whole scenes with them working in the background allowed for an incredibly tense final standoff between Picard and Maxwell.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x05 Disaster

Loved just how fun this episode was with some good role reversal for the characters. Picard working with children after they got trapped in a lift together was hilarious no matter how poor the child actors were, and Worf delivering a baby is a classic Star Trek moment. Troi getting the chance to command the bridge too was excellent, and a real welcome change of gears for the show.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x08 Episode 8

There are more New Order songs out there than True Faith!

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Castle: 8x20 Much Ado About Murder

Yay for the Firefly reunion!

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Limitless: 1x01 Pilot

My favourite of all the new fall TV pilots so far that I've seen. Pretty fun, despite never having seen the movie.

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Supergirl: 1x01 Pilot

A fun, exciting pilot even if it's cheesy in places.

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Elementary: 4x24 A Difference in Kind

Great season finale! And now the wait begins for Season 5...

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Marco Polo: 2x01 Hunter and the Sable Weaver

After a problematic first season, this one looks like it's hit the ground running.

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Vice Principals: 1x01 The Principal

Excellent cast and a brilliant start to the show.

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Westworld: 1x01 The Original

Off to an excellent start.

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Sun Records: 1x06 Who They Were Meant to Be

This show is so good. Great Elvis-centric episode.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x07 Reunion

Shout by Milo123

The Worf/Alexander stuff was good with Worf coming to terms about who his son is and his role in his son's life despite Klingon traditions, it's almost a shame that K'Ehleyr was killed off in this episode - it would have been interesting to see more of another half human/half Klingon and their role as an outsider from their own species and how they're different from Worf.
I do appreciate how the show is continuing to return to Sins of the Father and use that as a touchstone for many of the Klingon-centric arcs that I've seen so far. Worf's secret and status as a traitor is providing plenty of drama. Michael Dorn is great in these episodes. A Riker/Worf fight would have certainly been interesting.
And Duras' death is among the most satisfying in the whole series so far, and the resulting Worf/Picard scene was as effective as they come.

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