



Well, this movie was pretty...bad? I don't really know what to say. I can admit, there are some funny moments and nice animation but this movie misses plot and some relatable or likeable characters. Minions are cute, but that's all.
Maybe I'm oldschool but I prefer main characters who talk.

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Barbie: Spy Squad

Do you remember Totally Spies? Because I do. And this movie is total rip-off.
But I liked Totally Spies when I was kid and I also like this movie. It features Barbie as strong indipendent fighter with passion for people and things she loves and cares about. I also really liked animation, all the colours and so.
But on the other hand, I don't think this is a movie for for cinemas. This should have gone straight to DVDs.
Slovak review -->

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Love Is All You Need?

Shout by Bee
BlockedParent2016-04-02T11:57:37Z— updated 2016-12-01T16:31:21Z

At first I thought that 20 minutes is too much but in the end I was really suprised that it was already 20 minutes. This movie is trully brilliant even today but it was even more fantastic at the time when it was made.
It's been 5 years since the movie was made and a lot of things has changed but on the other hand, a lot of things remain the same, especially in some countries like mine. And when I look at today's society and look at this movie I see a lot of wrong things. Because this movie perfectly shows what it wrong. And it's realy easy to figure out what is it.

I didn't expect tears in my eyes. This movie was too realistic for something such symbolic like this. It actually missed a plot or some reasons but it featured amazing main actress with really natural acting and also great way to express main thought and make some people uncomfortable.
Spread love!

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Kung Fu Panda 3

I haven't seen such beautiful animation and haven't heard sountrack for a long time. Definitely one of the best animated movies. I was really affraid that it will be cheesy and somehow fake but it was brillaint!

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Back to Gaya

Breaking the 4th wall: The Movie

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City Paradise

An extraordinary fairytale with Alice in Wonderland magic. If nothing, watch it for animation. It's truly brilliant and outstanding.

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Quo Vadis

Is it just me or Nero really looks like Ed Sheeran?

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The Aristocats

Everybody wants to be a cat!

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Definitely wasn't expecting prince Zuko in this one.

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"I am allergic to apostrophes." - Peter Griffin

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Daydream Nation

This isn't as cool as I thought it was when I was 13.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

The people living on a sand planet definitely wouldn't be white. Thanks fr coming to my ted talk.

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The Wild

Madagascar the uncanny valley. I can't believe Disney would put their name on this. If you wanna watch hip-with-the-kids Lion King remake, this is the movie for you.

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Ralph Breaks the Internet

The movie was colourful and fun, but Shrek has already deconstructed the princess trope 20 years ago and honestly, they did it better. I feel like the movie really dates itself and it's not even that old.

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I wanted to make some stupid joke about nightmare fuel, but this actually really cute and creative.

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Teen romantic comedies are a very subjective thing and nothing beats the 2000s when it comes to my taste. Also, something about having an almost 30 yo lady play a 17 yo doesn't sit well with me.

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Mune: Guardian of the Moon

This is an artistic masterpiece. I haven't seen such a beautiful movie in a long time.

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Chill Out, Scooby-Doo!

I don't know why I keep watching Scooby-Doo movies when I know they aren't good. This one just completely missed the mark for me. Love the rock soundtrack era of SD movies tho.

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Happy Feet

This movie was a wild ride and I have enjoyed myself more than I should have, but man...

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The Ghost of Lord Farquaad

Experiencing this in a theatre in 2003 must have been a blast but it doesn't translate to enjoyable 2D animation and what's the point of that.

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25 yo Jennifer Lawrence shouldn't be playing a middle-aged woman. The ageism in Hollywood. The movie was okay, but I felt sympathetic towards the main character, so it achieved something I guess.

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This 7-minute movie about animated volcanoes has no business making me so emotional.

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Jungle Shuffle

Don't be fooled, the animation is nothing like the poster, it's below standard, looks unfinished and one of the characters just looks like a black blog with eyes. Also, there's a dragon???

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Charming, wonderfully animated and funny. This is what Deadpool should have been.

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The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper

This special reminded me that I used to write Madagascar Penguins fanfiction in high school and this cursed memory made my friend cry. They will never see me the same. Also the special was okay.

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The Parent Trap

Truly a great family movie. Lindsay Lohan's performance really carries the movie. it captures everything great about the 90s. The runtime could have been 30 minutes shorter tho.

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Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll

These Kung Fu Panda shorts are truly Dreamworks' love child, the amount of work put into the lore is terrific and the mixed animation works great for this.

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The movie is overall good and very enjoyable, but the jumping back and forth with time was a little bit messy and could have been more visually differentiated.

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Sherlock Gnomes

I hope that in the sequel they make Sherlock and Watson gay

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The Flintstones: On the Rocks

This had so much potential and yet failed miserably. The thing that captures audiences and makes them root for dysfunctional marriages like The Simpsons is that they still deeply care for each other despite the misfortunes. This is not it. The first 20 minutes are funny and creative but the story goes downhill since. The ending killed the whole story. Not a fan.

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