


13 Reasons Why

Reply by Robin

I binge watched the season in two nights. The suspense, the acting, and the soundtrack are awesome. But in the end, it left me wandering if this is not a romanticize suicide, an apology to suicide revenge. She is able to see why, to go one by one making people feel directly responsible for her personal unique decision of taking her own life to the point one of the kids shoots himself in the head out of blame. And let's not talk about Clay, feeling absolutely responsible for it, suffering post traumatic syndrome, etc. I don't know, I enjoyed watching the show but the after taste is bittersweet. I don't know if I would recommend this show to a teenager, tbh.
Specially when it suggests that you are alone, no one will help you. She's going through deep shit and her family does not even notice, she won't try to reach them. The counselor will ignore her when reaching for help as well. And the only one who cares and asks if it's okay and worries about her is pushed away with not a single explanation. Hannah is mature enough to record 13 reasons why she is going to kill herself, but not mature enough to reach her family (!!) or to, after recording the cassettes, realize killing herself will leave permanent consequences.

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@ds1 thank you for your response, it could have been that the show failed on showing more clearly that Hannah was suffering from depression. Maybe due to her only focusing on the reasons why (naming people), instead of elaborating on how she was feeling on a daily basis after the events. Or maybe it was me due a lack of personal experiences in this matter.
I agree with you that the last episodes were tremendously painful to watch. I still discover my mind going back to those scenes feeling utterly sad. I also strongly related to Clay even though, as you said, I was lucky nobody around me commited suicide.

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Ex Machina

Innovative in many ways, but not innovative enough to shift focus from male heterosexuality. I get so sick of it, and frankly, it bores me.

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I enjoyed the movie A LOT but actually, I agree with you both. They got my attention when they started to discuss the sexual orientation of Ava but sadly it all went pretty heterosexual. So nothing new and many viewers could interpret it as the classical damsel in distress.

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