


X-Men '97: 1x05 Remember It

what the hell. i thought it was just gonna be one of those episodes focused on family drama... WHAT THE HELL

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Riverdale: 7x20 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Seven: Goodbye, Riverdale


what a fun ride this was, and a great finale... choni rules, bitches

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X-Men '97: 1x06 Lifedeath (2)

not as impactful as the previous one but still a great episode, setting up the base for the very promising last eps of the season. i'm soooo excited

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x05 Crypt

first half was great, second was a drag. and i'm gonna say it again, the flashback serial killer mystery doesn't seem important and i don't see any connections with the main plot, so why should i care about it? anyways, i'm glad they started to show the conflict between darby and bill.
speaking of darby. she's crazy. she's incapable of stopping herself for even a minute, that makes me anxious asf

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x07 Retreat

i was expecting it to be the child since the camera didn't show anybody at bill's door. but i thought andy was the mind behind it not the fucking AI lmao. i'm not mad at it, i liked the show but it could've been way better. aaaand they gave me more darby and lee scenes <3

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X-Men '97: 1x10 Tolerance Is Extinction (3)

exceeded my expectations. this has become the best mutant adaptation ever

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Under the Bridge: 1x04 Beautiful British Columbia

this is so sad and frustrating to watch... the need to be accepted can blind us so much, how could Reena not see that those girls hated her guts? i'm not even gonna mention that last part...
i like the parallels they made between the characters tho

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Under the Bridge: 1x06 In Water They Sink As the Same

the best episode of the season so far

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Under the Bridge: 1x03 Blood Oath

the rage i felt seeing those people pretending they cared about Reena, no you didn't!! and the cops aren't doing better either, it's so frustrating, and i wanna wipe that smug off the brunette girls face every time she shows up on screen.

at least now i have the lesbians

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x06 Crime Seen

ok so i guess this is it for the flashbacks now and as i was suspecting, the purpose of the serial killer plot was just for character development. i'm fine with that, and loved to finally see how things went down between darby and bill. still don't care about the case tho...
now, i wanna say i really love the connection between darby and lee and i wish the show had explored more of that. too bad the focus was little, but it's the most interesting thing about the show to me, alongside with the whodunit of it all.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets

god i was anxious for like half the episode (the darby and sian scenes) but then got bored by the flashbacks. they were interesting in the first episode, but now it's just dragging. the silver jewelry mystery doesn't feel that important anymore? anyways, the "reveal" at the end caught me off guard but i guess i should've seen it coming by how things went out during the dinner scene on ep 1.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

the pacing is quite slow but i loved the visuals and found the plot very interesting. i'm seated!

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Everything Now: 1x08 Episode 8

messed up alison's character to make mia seem a little less bad just for her to not end up with carli either lmao

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

whew! hands down the best season so far.

this rewatch is crazy bc although i remember some vague stuff from the first time, i also feel like i've never seen this before. i really was too dumb for tv shows like this back then...

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x02 The Silver Doe

this was way better than the first, i'm fully invested! that said, i'd never trust some guy i met on reddit and follow his weird directions blindly to meet him in the middle of the night like that! i'm sorry but that's dumb

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Person of Interest: 3x04 Reasonable Doubt

i felt a bit overwhelmed with all the twists but still enjoyed this one. and yeah carter's new partner was too weird ofc he's with HR...

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Under the Bridge: 1x08 Mercy Alone

last two episodes were great. again, i love how this wasn't made like a shameless documentary or something similar, it could've been just another whodunnit, but they chose to tell a story. great acting too

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I May Destroy You: 1x11 Would You Like to Know the Sex?

omg that ending was so disturbing to watch

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Under the Bridge: 1x02 The John Gotti of Seven Oaks

i'm loving it so far, has potential to be a great miniseries. thankfully, it's not even close to majority of true crime media and how insufferably sensationalist they are. i hope it stays that way

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BoJack Horseman: 1x06 Our A-Story Is A 'D' Story

the beyoncé parody is so goofy :sob:

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The Walking Dead: 3x05 Say the Word

if michonne and andrea were men there would be 30k works on ao3 that's all i'm gonna say

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The Walking Dead: 2x08 Nebraska

i don't hate lori but that scene pissed me off

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Black Sails: 2x05 XIII.

i've watched that last part countless times since my first binge of the show and it still impacts me

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Black Sails: 2x03 XI.

no matter how much of a manipulative bastard this man is, i love him dearly

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Black Sails: 2x02 X.

there's so much to talk about this episode. it's perfect in its entirety but that ending! flint you brilliant motherfucker

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Black Sails: 1x08 VIII.

flint's luck is impressive, those men hate his ass and still he keeps getting away with his bs. i love him tho

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Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

i knew this was gonna happen, i knew about it even before i started the show. i could see the character's journey leading to this path. the good old trope of having a chance to do better in life, to be saved by others, to love and be loved, to finally experience joy, and then it's the end. but i don't know if i'm a big fan of the execution of it. a lot of things in this season feels off and rushed and messy, and i think the sudden cancellation of the series is to blame. still there some great moments in the season and excellent episodes like 6,741 and the previous one. i just wish they did this in a better, maybe more sensible way.

anyways, i loved every second of root in this show and she's a spectacular character. truly an all time favorite to me. and thank you, amy acker.

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Person of Interest: 5x02 SNAFU

the facial recognition bug in the beginning was hilarious!

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Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else

wow. what the hell. what did i just watch? i don't know what to say

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Person of Interest: 3x23 Deus Ex Machina

excellent episode! i feel like it's a turning point in the series somehow

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