


Midnight Mass: 1x02 Book II: Psalms

Ugh I had such high hopes for this show, but the ableist character plot is a lot. Def doesn't pass tyrion test. and the amount of animal death is so horrible. I spent most of the time looking away from the screen because it was so graphic. I wish netflix would include animal abuse in their trigger warnings before the show starts.

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The Walking Dead: 11x03 Hunted

BIG tw for all the horrible things that happen to the horses, jfc

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The Walking Dead: 10x20 Splinter

does everyone who watches this show and comments just have nothing to say except bitch about how bad it is? shut up and let people enjoy the show, stop watching if you don't like it. it's that simple.

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Lucifer: 6x10 Partners 'Til the End

I love this show with all my heart, it's one of my comfort shows. That being said, the ONE thing i did not want to see in the finale season was a Deckerstar baby. I wish they had gone the route of the apocalypse and trying to stop that from happening instead of what they did. It's hard to care about a character that feels forced and out of place (like Lucifer literally can't procreate and hates kids lmfao). While the very end was good, and all the supporting characters got great endings, the child put a big damper on it for me. And they completely forgot about poor Trixie. There's no way she wouldn't have been there for her mom's death. Why did she never learn the truth about Lucifer? Was she just supposed to go along with suddenly having a new sister that has no father? She lost her dad and then Lucifer back to back. They did her so wrong imo.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x06 The Last Time

i couldn't have asked for more. danai and andy gave us everything. i love you forever, grimes family

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x03 WVRDR_ERROR_100 Oest-of-th3-Gs.gid30n notFound

seeing the old Legends made my heart so happy. I only wish Mick and Constantine would've been there too. Seeing Snart and Rory together again would've been so amazing. I love this little family :sob:

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Lucifer: 6x03 Yabba Dabba Do Me

This episode was so good until literally the last 30 seconds. they REALLY had to pull the surprise child trope???? like Lucifer is KNOWN for hating children. he literally does not like them and would never want one. A lot of people were hoping for a deckerstar baby and I was praying we didn't get one. I don't want to see Lucifer as a father; that's not who he is. I've never been upset at anything the writers have done until this.

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Shameless: 5x07 Tell Me You F**king Need Me

Shout by mmorgnn

I love Jimmy and Fiona so much, but Gus is right, she deserves better. bittersweet end to their story.

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The Walking Dead: 10x16 A Certain Doom

have yall ever heard of not watching something you don't like instead of watching it just to leave shitty reviews and comments? no one is forcing you to watch lmfao

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x13 I Am Legends

all of you saying this season is boring you're clearly not watching the same show I am? learn to have some fun.

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