

madison wi


Amazing. I'm pretty sure this is the first adult-focused cartoon that's not edgy.

If you don't agree this is for adults, watch all the Peter Potamus parts again.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

unwatchable right wing propaganda. they literally teamed up with a nazi to stop anarchists helping refugees.

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BoJack Horseman: 6x15 The View from Halfway Down

I can't believe the horse cartoon made me cry this much

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Mortal Kombat

Dumb fun. You can tell how the cast and crew are fans of the property. This is also targeted at fans, since they don't really try to explain things. This definitely requires you to check the game wiki (or to have played a ton) to understand what's going on.

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The Wicker Man

A heartwarming tale where a commune wins against a christofascist. No modern movie would let a cop get so consistently and hilariously outsmarted

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Beautiful movie and absolutely nauseating. Very good at making you feel as trapped and dissociative as she was feeling.

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Deadly Class: 1x01 Pilot

Faithful to the comic so far. Hyped for the season to truly start in January!

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Went to the Amazon Prime prescreening.

Good special effects and monster design. Storyline is a mess and there are cuts every 4 seconds as if everyone kept screwing up their lines. All the jokes were stolen from Thor Ragnarok. Not DC's best.

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Ad Astra

Shout by mneko

An average space movie. Sure the visuals are great and I heard they were highly realistic, but the writing was terrible. Constant voice overs to the point where you assume it got butchered in editing like Blade Runner was. Everyone seems to make the worst possible decision in every situation. there's a monkey attack for absolutely no reason. The black characters die first in every deadly encounter they're in like this is an 80s movie. This setting deserves a better script and I feel kind of sorry for everyone involved.

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The Wandering Earth

A love letter to Big Dumb Object genre novels. I haven't read this specific book, but it's reminiscent of David Brin's work. It feels like how a faithful novel adaption would be, possibly to its detriment. There's exposition dumps and flashbacks aplenty, but I'm an exposition kind of person. The script feels a little unfocused, almost like Gravity and San Andreas got combined into a single movie. But it came out to be an almost perfect emulation of a Western style 00's disaster thriller.

I hope this production crew is assigned Three Body Problem and rescues it from development hell, since they're now experts at working with Cixin Liu material.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Fantastic fight choreography! Also the best looking and best written movie theater DC movie in a long time. Harley's a little oversaturated right now with this and the streaming cartoon being out at the same time, but I hope DC can keep the momentum going.

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The Beyond

Relaxing fictional documentary. Kind of like a David Brin story or Herzog's The Wild Blue Yonder. It doesn't have tension because it's not supposed to. Great costumes and special effects for a high-concept indie.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Absolutely batshit insane. It's entirely exposition, great pokemon models (they need to do a nature "documentary" with these wow), and the most off the wall final 20 minutes I've ever seen. A decent movie if you're a longtime fan of the video games, and I would argue the patchy plot is faithful to the game writing.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

teaming up with a nazi to stop anarchists is a really bad take

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