

Saudi Arabia

Some Like It Hot

"Well, nobody's perfect" but this movie is.

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I got bored ALOT. The only reason I kept watching is for Margot Robbie's sake.

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The Danish Girl

Alicia Vikander was the only good thing in this movie.

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The Good Dinosaur

that moment when they got high was hilarious as shit

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I think I just witnessed the best picture of the year.

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Full Metal Jacket

Sir it's Brilliant movie, Sir!

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Casino Royale

Beyond my expectations, so good. Craig & Green fuckin' nailed it.

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The Empire Strikes Back

This one is My Personal Favorite

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You Only Live Twice

Well, that was a very Bad,Bad,Bad ,Bad and Bad Bond Film.

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Furious 7

Loved the Tribute,hated the movie.

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Once Upon a Time in the West

My favorite westren of all time

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Brilliant! One of my favorite short animations.

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