Angela Mens



The League

I absolutely love The League! So sad it's in its final season. Even if you're not american (like me) and enjoy football it's really an amazing well written comedy. And the guest stars are awesome too

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Hannibal: 3x12 The Number of the Beast is 666

Finally towards the end the show gets good again, the 1st season was amazing but it has been slow and boring, not the shocking thing we're used to from Hannibal.

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Once Upon a Time: 2x04 The Crocodile

Oh yummy Hook finally! You appear lol

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Hard Knocks: 10x01 Episode 01

2 words all they need: JJ WATT!!!! lol...I love Hard Knocks gives you a nice look inside the NFL, and since I live in the Netherlands its way harder to go to trainingcamps and such. Eventhough im a Buccaneers fan I have a weakness for JJ Watt :)

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Mr. Robot

Watched the first 2 episodes, and it didn't hold my attention during the 3rd ep I just quit, the main char is so boring you fall a sleep when he talks. I know he's supposed to be a social and stuff but he can barely act, the only good actor in it was Christian Slater but I'm not going to watch a whole boring show just for him.
The subject is nice though, I love hacking and stuff as a subject but it is not supposed to make me fall a sleep

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Heroes Reborn

Cant wait! Really loved Heroes, although I'll miss sylar he was the most awesome one

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For the 1st time no tears with a Disney movie, however it was a great movie to see. It is weird though seeing Helena Bonham Carter in the role of a good person, her time was way to limited! Think she would've made an amazing Stepmother!

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Wayward Pines: 1x09 A Reckoning

Shout by Angela Mens

OMG Pilcher is such a censored this is the best ep so far! I'm really loving this show and can't wait till the next episode. I do hope the aby;s will kill Pilcher next turn even his sister is turning on him, and the school teacher for messing with Ben's head

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Nurse Jackie: 7x12 I Say a Little Prayer

They should've quit years ago, the show used to be amazing but the constant relapsing of Jackie made it impossible to love her. Happy to see O'Hara return for this ep, sad that Coop didn't come back since he was the reason I started watching this show. Weird ending was kinda rooting for her not to come back as harsh as it sounds

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Game of Thrones: 5x10 Mother's Mercy

WTF are these morons thinking??? They made some weird choices already with the show...but now im so done with this show right now!

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Dracula Untold

Not the best Dracula / vampire movie I've seen but surely entertainable for 1,5 hours, at least he doesn't sparkle in the sun

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The Night Shift: 2x14 Darkest Before Dawn

Such a sap EP, Love Jordan and TC

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The Vampire Diaries: 6x22 I'm Thinking of You All the While

Such a sad episode, but a wonderful way to say goodbye to Elena, I loved the way they let all her friends say goodbye to her. I feel for Alaric poor guy has lost everything again his 3rd love gone. Do hope they will give him a happier season next year. Looking forward to next season and to see what they will do without Elena cause she was one of the main players, not really sad to see her go she was getting annoying at some point throughout the seasons. Loved it that Jeremy was back in it even if only for a little while.

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Forever: 1x22 The Last Death of Henry Morgan

I really enjoyed this show and do hope that it will get a season 2. If not than I'm happy with the ending they have given us. Although questions are still out there, it gives some kind of closure, but I am sure we can lots more out of this show

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50 to 1

I love a good winner story especially if it has Christian Kane in it, and a few of his songs. One of the best horseracing movies i've seen

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The Simpsons: 26x20 Let's Go Fly a Coot

Im dutch and normally I don't like it when they do dutch stuff in other shows, but this one was amazing, really loved Carice in it. Do hope they had subtitles for you guys

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Evil Dead

"The most terrifying film you will ever experience.".....seriously??? the only reason i would've died was from laughter...terrifying pfff ...original was way better and that was a comedy too in my eyes

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I dont know why people hate this movie, i loved it. Its a good action movie with a bunch of actors that we know...not the best movie ever but surely entertainable for 1,5 hours

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Glee: 6x12 2009

Nice idea of going back to the beginning but i still miss Finn can't be done without him...also Quinn not there...they could've done something comepletely better but then again since Finn died it's been useless..they should've quit after the Quarterback EP

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The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

Guess im one of the few...i really enjoyed this movie..maybe because its my kind of humor that they were playing on..loved jim carrey!

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American Idol: 14x18 Top 8 Boys Perform

Shout by Angela Mens

Cant believe Shi didnt make it through she was 1 of the better singers...Alexis was HORRIBLE!! honestle hope she goes out next week

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23 Blast

This is such an amazing movie, to see what he overcomes to play the game that he loves. Even more that its based upon a true story and the real Freeman is in the movie too!

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Marvel's Agent Carter: 1x08 Valediction

As much as i love shield i didnt get into agent carter right away. The feel was too different but it grew on me and i was sad to learn it only had 8 episode. I hope it will return for more

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American Sniper

People who find this movie patriotic obviously cant read the title...its called AMERICAN from Europe and cant see why americans are so against this movie. Its a tribute to the man and all those who didn't make it out of various wars. I find this an amazing movie. Not the best picture I've seen from the Oscar movies but its so much more than that

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The Imitation Game

I really enjoyed this movie, well written and well acted. But seeing its competition for the Oscars I'm afraid it wont stand a chance for best movie.

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The Theory of Everything

If this man doesn't get the award for best actor than I don't think they should give it out at all! What a brilliant movie about a brilliant man. It is sad to think that this is based upon a true story. 2 years given and he's still living to this day and hope many more will come

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Honestly 3 hours of starting a story and not finishing many questions still left what happened at that red line yeah a boy growing up...and this is in run for best movie? waste of 12 years to be honest could've made a lot more out of it...give some closure at times not leaving us hanging then the next scene to see everything has changed....luckily it was ok and didn't stink as much as I thought it would but still not the best movie in my opinion

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The Mentalist: 7x13 White Orchids

This was one of the movies I dreaded to watch for the best Oscar movies of 2015. But boy was I wrong! This movie was absolutely amazing! Amazing acting and the story was good too. Really makes you wonder if some people should be allowed to teach young kids. But on the other hand the explanation he gives makes you wonder to....Although I personally think there is a big difference between pushing and motivating. Certainly one of the best movies I've seen

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Selma is a good movie about the historical fact in America. To people outside of America this is "just" a movie as we don't have the feel with it as Americans might have. Nevertheless the story needs to be told and people need to know the harsh things that have been done not so long ago. Great acting, can't say I loved the movie because the story isn't a story you can love.

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