Angela Mens



American Sniper

People who find this movie patriotic obviously cant read the title...its called AMERICAN from Europe and cant see why americans are so against this movie. Its a tribute to the man and all those who didn't make it out of various wars. I find this an amazing movie. Not the best picture I've seen from the Oscar movies but its so much more than that

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

This movie starts off emotional and ends emotional and the ride in between is epic! Luckily I'm in the Netherlands so I could see it before and no actions here. This movie should be watched by all people no matter the color of their skin. Wakanda forever!

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Doctor Who: Special 3 The Giggle

Handy we can always keep DT on call if it doesn't work. However the new doctor got off on a good start. Also loved NPH in it he's always amazing. It should've lasted longer haha. Can't wait for the next one

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The New Mutants

I have to say i enjoyed the movie, it's of course not the best one in the X-men range, but still it was enjoyable, with a couple of well known stars in it. For me the big bonus was BUFFY!!! I will see it again maybe not in theaters but defo watchable again. Loved the end battle with Illyana she was my fav one

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x22 Jake & Amy

Luckily we know it will get another season with this cliffhanger. Loved this episode it was amazing

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x04 Is This Not Real Magic?

I love the shows that Wong watches haha. I love the sopranos and this is us too! I really love she-hulk so much fun.

Also people if you are annoyed by spoilers of the sopranos it's been done since 2007 can't call it spoilers if you haven't watched it yet that's on you

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Get Out

Honestly dont know why this one is for best movie, the story is weak and predictable and racist in a way too. The acting is good but that's it. It's not even scary, it's supposed to be a horror / thriller but i found myself bored along the way. Maybe it's because i've seen many horror movies that this one doesn't do anything for me.

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What the Health

I suggest you watch it and hopefully learn something from it

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The Crown: 6x10 Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Well the finale was bad. They did do the death of Margaret but nothing about Philip or Elizabeth? Like they lived happily ever after? They could've handled the final episodes so much better. Really sad about the missed opportunity. The series was great but it deserved a way better ending

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Doctor Who: Special 2 Wild Blue Yonder

Loved this episode also Wilfred :purple_heart: hope he'll be in the next one too.

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The Peripheral: 1x08 The Creation of a Thousand Forests

Keep watching there's an extra scene!

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The Crown: 5x10 Decommissioned

Not the finale I was expecting. The finale was a bit boring. All the other episodes were good just not this one. Can't wait for next season!

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The Vampire Diaries: 6x22 I'm Thinking of You All the While

Such a sad episode, but a wonderful way to say goodbye to Elena, I loved the way they let all her friends say goodbye to her. I feel for Alaric poor guy has lost everything again his 3rd love gone. Do hope they will give him a happier season next year. Looking forward to next season and to see what they will do without Elena cause she was one of the main players, not really sad to see her go she was getting annoying at some point throughout the seasons. Loved it that Jeremy was back in it even if only for a little while.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x13 A New Napkin

BEST SEASON EVER!!! really do hope disney will not fuck us fans up and make Netflix cancel this show too like they did iron fist and luke cage...really love Fisk as a villain. But a new season is needed cause we need to know how they go from here

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Loki: 2x06 Glorious Purpose

Can I kill Sylvie so we can get Loki back? I mean like her but not as much as Loki!

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The Outpost

What an impressive movie, you're on the edge of your seat a lot of times. Humor and grief so close together. Also stay for the end credits you'll get real interviews with survivors!

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Omg I really loved this movie. It's not a typical Pokémon movie that's probably because of Ryan Reynolds he's so awesome in this one. It has some adult humor too and us just a great watch. The only bad thing is that it's a bit short haha.

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Everything Sucks!: 1x10 We Were Merely Freshmen

Really refreshing show! Too bad there are only 10 episodes and the episodes are too short. It's a trip back into the 90's with the music and references it's just really great! And that ending... really hope there will be a season 2

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Either you love this movie or you don't. I loved it, I think it's supposed to be cringe and everything. I loved the cameos and the story line. I got a kick out of the one liners and references to other movies and shows. Hopefully we'll see more

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9-1-1: 2x12 Chimney Begins

don;t get me wrong i love the whole backstorie episodes but WTF guys you let him bleed for a whole episode and let us wait another week for how this will end??? UGH!

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You: 1x10 Bluebeard's Castle

Wow this is an amazing show. It takes you through the ringer, should you like the stalker or not, he is only try to do his best for the woman he loves but does he take it too far? And then that ending OMG! We need a season 2, this makes me rethink everything that has happened that they made us believe.

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Once Upon a Time: 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke

Even though this whole season sucked big time I am happy they have given us a finale it truly deserved. It finally brought the magic back from when it 1st started. This whole season I couldn't connect to any of the storylines but this final episode was the true heart of the Oncers bringing back everyone was the right thing and I'm very happy with this ending..well done writers

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Arrow: 6x17 Brothers in Arms

sure when they have no one else to turn against each other turn oliver and john against each is wrong with the writers? this is so lame and boring, at this point i dont care if it will get reniewed or not, this season has been the worst

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The Witcher: Blood Origin: 1x04 Of Mages, Malice, and Monstrous Mayhem

4 episodes wasn't enough haha. I loved it especially the extra scene. Can't wait for the next Witcher season

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What If...?: 1x02 What If… T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?

As a big time Gotg fan I must say I loved this episode. Kinda want to see it be made into a movie but alas. It was great to hear Chadwick's voice again. Did miss rocket and groot haha but with Thanos on your side who needs them. Think this will be the best episode of what if!

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Finally they got it right! Although the episode was mildly confusion it has to be one of the best so far!!! I mean the return of Jack Harkness is something i wanted for seasons!! I screamed when i saw it happen. Also i'm wondering how it will all go now. Always loved the Judoon, also happy they spoke english this time haha. Cant wait for next week!

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Black Mirror: 4x06 Black Museum

Shout by Angela Mens

at last an episode that makes you remember why you freaking love Black Mirror, this season was bad, if this was the 1st season i would've given up on it. The 5th episode was so bad i turned it off. The episodes were a lot weaker than the other seasons. Episodes 1 and 4 were ok. But the finale was just SPOT on! Finally a true master piece of this amazing show. With lots of nudges to the old episodes, did miss the famous song but if you watch it the song they picked for this episode was spot on too. I didn't see it coming that the woman was his daughter until Rolo almost collapsed, so a bit before she revealed herself . I hope that if they make a new season that it will be a bit more stronger than this one.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x01 The Dark Swan

Shout by Angela Mens

I've been a big fan of once since day one, and this episode showed new promise in this season....until the last few minutes... i mean come on again with the memory loss i am so over that, can't they come up with something else for a change? Do hope that this memory loss won't kill the whole season cause it really had an amazing start!

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The Lost City

This movie was so much fun. Great humor and action. Also playing with its own cheesyness was awesome. Not one you have to see at the movies but defo when it hits the streams!

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The Vampire Diaries: 8x11 You Made a Choice to Be Good

wow that ending :O srsly... i loved Enzo, the writers better know what they are doing

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