Mr. Robot

Watched the first 2 episodes, and it didn't hold my attention during the 3rd ep I just quit, the main char is so boring you fall a sleep when he talks. I know he's supposed to be a social and stuff but he can barely act, the only good actor in it was Christian Slater but I'm not going to watch a whole boring show just for him.
The subject is nice though, I love hacking and stuff as a subject but it is not supposed to make me fall a sleep

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Is on videoland for the Netherlands. Amazing kickboxer of this time. He has overcome quite a lot

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Although it wasn't truly a reboot of the show it was awesome to watch, i really liked it and i hope they will make more of it. At first i was sad that they didn't do a reboot like the show we grew up with, but this is kinda so much better cause most of the reboots never make it to the originals feeling. I do miss Luke in all of this, think it would've been more awesome if he was still alive.

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Being dutch i mostly never care for our own languaged tv shows cause they are mostly never as good as the english ones. Well this one is truly a gem! It's typical dutch with boobs and sex haha and great writing and a great cliffhanger. Can't wait to see season 2.

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New Amsterdam

really strong Pilot..hope they can keep this up

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From the trailers it feels like lost mixed with some the 4400, just hope it's better than lost cause that one sucked in the end

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People please realize that episode 25 and 26 where never meant to be in season 3 but in season 4 and since Fox cancelled Lucifer they were going to waist but Fox then decided to air them anyway as an olive branch towards the fans. They weren't supposed to be the next 2 episodes of season 4 but just episodes that would come in that season. And since it took over 1 month for Netflix to pick the show up the 2 episodes were aired on Fox. So if you're binge watching it doesn't make sense but if you're a true fan it did

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Code Black

One of the truest medical shows out there, not too heavy on the romance. It did slow down and became a bit less in the 3rd season but it was still enjoyable. One of the few shows with heart and feeling that can make a person smile and than 5 minutes later cry

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Marvel's Iron Fist

I just finished the whole series and apart from ep 9 and 10 it was amazing! I really liked the story and the fighting, probably one of my fav marvel stories so far. I'm not into the comics so i have got no clue if they stayed true to the story or not. But for a tv show it was awesome

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Today 20 years ago the world changed, there was one of the first supernatural series that was amazing, and not afraid to be different. We saw them grow up and have normal problems like most teenagers have, well not the vampire problems ofc. Best show ever in my mind and now that it's 20 years old time for a serious rewatch! <3

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The League

I absolutely love The League! So sad it's in its final season. Even if you're not american (like me) and enjoy football it's really an amazing well written comedy. And the guest stars are awesome too

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Heroes Reborn

Cant wait! Really loved Heroes, although I'll miss sylar he was the most awesome one

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