Angela Mens



The Resident: 3x15 Last Shot

Good episode again, this season has been quite a ride so far and i'm happy to see where they are going. Although i must hate Cain i kinda love him, been a fan of Morris for quite some time so to fully hate him is impossible.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

After last week i was so done with GoT that i couldn't really care how it ended. But I am happy i started the final watch. Every bit of how much i hated last week episode is every bit i love this week and the series finale. Of course you can't make everyone happy but i'm pleased with how they ended things. And we finally got the well deserved cuddle of Jon and Ghost!

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The Resident: 2x23 The Unbefriended

Shout by Angela Mens

OMG they can't do this to us!! I mean let us wait this long to find out who it is... i think it's Kyle and we will find out something really bad next season like he wasn't their dad or something amazing season, this one flew by!

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Lucifer: 3x24 A Devil of My Word

Best episode of all the seasons, and when I watched it back then it was horrible to know that it was cancelled. Luckily we know now that Netflix did the right thing and picked it up. Can't wait for season 4 especially after meeting Aimee Garcia and got some inside spoilers for next season <3

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Designated Survivor: 2x18 Kirkman Agonistes

wow what an episode! certainly not what i was expecting! i love it when writers aren't lazy! Also it was nice seeing Michael J Fox again

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The Resident: 1x06 No Matter the Cost

Great strong episode again, nice to see some more character development. I really love Conrad's out of the box thinking, still reminds me of a young dr House but way kinder and sexier. Let's hope it gets picked up for another season it has a lot of good potential especially if he starts working with his dad

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

they made us wait too long for showing what happened after that took the whole feel away if you watch it sooner the impact is worse than it was now...really sad though cause i like her

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The Resident: 1x01 Pilot

Wow what a start of a new series, I know the pilot is mostly more awesome but this one is honest. No dr mcdreamy everything is fine, but a more realistic view on how things really work in a hospital. I've worked in one for years and it's messy and a business and patients are numbers, i love that they're truly showing this and can't wait for the next episode

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x13 Parting Shot

such a sad episode... couldn't keep it dry at the end...will miss them..always knew they'd end up together again. but never thought it was this way

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Sleepers: 2x08 Episode 8

Omg I hate this ending!!! Now we have to wait for I don't know how long this is pure torture!!!

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Glee: 5x13 New Directions

This episode should've been the final ep it had everything..They should've renamed the remaining 1,5 season

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The Resident: 2x04 About Time

wasn't sure about the dad being here but he truly saved Conrad this time, loved this episode and the chemistry of Conic is real! I see Devon hooking up with Julian too it's a bit too obvious. Do hope Conrad never finds out cause he'll be pissed

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Designated Survivor: 2x22 Run

Ugh why do a cliffhanger at the end of the season...writers should learn not to do that in case the show is cancelled like now :( really hope it gets picked up!

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This Is Us: 2x18 The Wedding

Shout by Angela Mens

Another heartfelt episode, seeing the dream wedding of Kate (meaning her mom and dads) was sometimes confusing but when she explained it all made sense. Some heavy moments again that you need to fight back the tears. Really wanting to know about who future Randall and Tess were talking about. And Toby's parents omg the nerve! But sorta seeing them getting it right, but who knows what Toby is going through. Wondering what way they'll go with Deja hope it will change soon though cause her storyline is not the best one.

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This Is Us: 2x12 Clooney

Shout by Angela Mens

I dont like that ending! Do hope they will still skip it one season, i dont want to lose Jack! I kind off understand Kevin's hostility towards Miguel I had that to towards my stepdad at the start but once you see that they are truly happy you'll accept them and grow to love them too. I never liked Madison but her story line really made me sympathies with her, i hate it that i judged her too soon, but they never gave us something to love about her until now. Did miss Toby in this episode he brights up the "present day". Cant wait for next week

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Shout by Angela Mens

Wow Shield is back and how! Still trying to piece everything together but it sure looks like it's going to be an awesome season. Although I do not think that planet is Earth that we're looking at, the Kree were interested in destroying Xandar last time we saw them, so I kinda think it's Xandar. Not sure where this season falls into the MCU but I am liking the space feel to it, hope they can keep this up.

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This Is Us: 1x18 Moonshadow

Gah #ThisIsUs glad it's not over yet for him...but gawd I'd so marry #JackPearson, now i know the perfect man exists...why is he fictional?

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Lucifer: 2x12 Love Handles

woah this show is so amazing and it keeps on getting better, that ending though :O is it next week already?

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Marvel's Agent Carter: 1x08 Valediction

As much as i love shield i didnt get into agent carter right away. The feel was too different but it grew on me and i was sad to learn it only had 8 episode. I hope it will return for more

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Sleepers: 1x06 Episode 6

Awesome Dutch show. Do hate cliffhanger endings haha. But it's good to know there will be a next season which is good cause a lot of questions are unanswered

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The Resident: 1x02 Independence Day

not as strong as the pilot episode but still a good one. I love that they actually tell that doctors arent always right which they aren't. Cant wait for next week should be a good one, Conrad reminds me of a young house but cuter and less ahole

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When Rome Ruled: 1x01 Secrets of the Gladiators

Colosseum, thats all i need! Amazing how people could build such a thing back then!

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Top Gun: Maverick

Having been around for the 1st top gun I was afraid about this one. But it did not disappoint I heard people say it's better than the original... Well it definitely is!! The casting of Rooster is amazing. Also seeing Val Kilmer again brought a tear to my eye. What a movie and the music of Hans Zimmer is epic as always!!

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Free Guy

Free guy is every gamers / nerds wet dream! The jokes, the scenes it's so familiar and the acting is amazing. Also a few bonuses but I won't spoiler them for you. Go see it, you won't be disappointed!!

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Jurassic World Dominion

Not the best movie from the series but still enjoyable. Especially seeing the old and new generation together is nice.

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

I honestly think they could have done a better job with this movie. Not sure why it is nominated for best picture, but it's not my cup of tea. The plot is weak and some acting is even weaker, which makes it funny because it's about a play. The dialog is long and sometimes lots of words have been used but nothing is said.

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Doctor Who: Special 4 Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road

I'm loving this new doctor who and Ruby. Really laughed at the end. Hope spring will be here soon. It's been a while since I've been excited for doctor who. Thanks Russel for coming back!

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American Sniper

People who find this movie patriotic obviously cant read the title...its called AMERICAN from Europe and cant see why americans are so against this movie. Its a tribute to the man and all those who didn't make it out of various wars. I find this an amazing movie. Not the best picture I've seen from the Oscar movies but its so much more than that

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

This movie starts off emotional and ends emotional and the ride in between is epic! Luckily I'm in the Netherlands so I could see it before and no actions here. This movie should be watched by all people no matter the color of their skin. Wakanda forever!

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Doctor Who: Special 3 The Giggle

Handy we can always keep DT on call if it doesn't work. However the new doctor got off on a good start. Also loved NPH in it he's always amazing. It should've lasted longer haha. Can't wait for the next one

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