Valter Fernandes



The Walking Dead: 11x23 Family

The smart zombies thing all of a sudden is just infuriating. 12 years of the show and none was seen. All of a sudden, they are everywhere.
All the shelters/walls they could have climbed and overrun by now... such non-sensical plot hole there... Completely ruins an already flawed show...

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This show is way over-rated in my opinion.

The autors certainly were ambitious in terms of out of the ordinary concepts in terms of storytelling but with ambition sometimes comes a sort of "awkwardness" that sincerely, in my opinion, this show has.
The story is ok, and when things start to fit together they do make sense. They didn't have to be tod out of order, actually the unchronologically concept is the worse of all the "rupture" concepts that they tryed to put in.
Last but not least, I gotta say: Building up 1 good character is a hard task. Building up more than 20+ that have debt and feel made out of flesh and bone is worth of one big bow. By far the best thing in the show.

Worth watching? Well, if you have free time and want to watch something different: yes do it. Otherwise I'd say no.

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About Cherry

Not a bad movie and with a interesting diferent look at what porn is and who's on the screen.
The movie is actually interesting till they suddenly wrap it up to a sudden and "kinda pointless and inconclusive" ending... the last 5-10minutes could be rewritten and this movie would totally be better rated than it is...

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