

Omicron Persei 8

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I’m very disappointed. This could have been so much more but fell flat.

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Molly's Game

Saw Molly’s Game today and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great dialogue and wonderfully acted. This is Aaron Sorkins directorial debut, and while it was perfect from that aspect it is a great first outing. The movie is long but it’s well paced so it doesn’t feel like it drags, it feels like it needed those 140 minutes to tell the entire story. The scene between Chastain and Costner at the end is definitely one of the best I’ve seen in 2017. I give it this movie 4 out of 5. Go see it if you have a chance.

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Logan Lucky

Hillbilly Oceans 11. It was a fun ride and a great setup for a sequel.

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Mile 22

Pretty bad movie. The story made sense and the shaky cam was really getting on my nerves. The ending was unfulfilling to boot. Skip it.

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Hell or High Water

That ending. I really liked the whole movie but that ending was really great. I wonder how the story ended after the credits rolled. I'd love to know that.

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Chris Rock: Tamborine

The first half was really good. The last half was great.

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Proud Mary

A movie so bad it’s hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing it was so bad.

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Dave Chappelle: Equanimity

So damn funny. Wish he did more than the 4 he’s contracted to do.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Nick Fury, Deadpool, and Electra. Yeah sign me up. This was way more fun than I thought it would be. So many laughs. I think it was so much fun because they played characters they play so often so it felt natural and unforced. They make a great team. I hope this is the first of many buddy comedies between these two.

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Baby Boy

My favorite movie of all time. Not sure why but I just love it. I've seen well over 30 times.

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Fahrenheit 451

I’ve read the book and seen the original movie. Of course the book is best. This movie was awful and a waste of great material that is extremely relevant in today’s world. I’m sad to see it ruined. I wish Michael B. Jordan had turned this down, he’s better than this derivative junk.

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The Little Hours

A silly movie with an odd premise. It made me think why the makers of this film felt this had to be made and why these actors agreed to do it. That being said, I enjoyed it!

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