seaQuest DSV: 2x05 Vapors

Shout by MOS-6502

you can skip this episode.
100% filler, nothing good in it.
embarrassing episode.

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Seinfeld: 9x02 The Voice

speaking like a true bellybutton: HELLOUUUU! HuAHAuHA

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Lioness: 1x02 The Beating

Hated this episode, its very violent and just literally torture all over the place.
..and to "comfort" you: it also has a little girl dying from a tumor in it.
The violent daugher of Joe and their disfunctional relationship also doesn't help.

There were several references made, how the CIA doesn't play fair, and how proud they are of it. (why? this is just terrible..)
Maybe i just don't get it?
If i could go back in time and stop me before i started watching this episode, i would.

I really can't understand how anyone could enjoy to watch this episode.

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Quantum Leap: 1x17 The Friendly Skies

oh, a airplane episode.. i swear if it ends by Ben landing a plane.. i stop watching. .. oh well.. nevermind.

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Quantum Leap: 1x02 Atlantis

I don't like it, IMO its even worse than the first episode.
so many things didn't work for me, it feels so constructed.
I watched the original show as a kid and liked it, maybe i'm just too old for this.

This is is one of those shows where...
...the characters talk to each other over what they already know, just to explain it to the viewer

...someone says: "NO, ABSOLUTLY NOT! I WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT IT" and then, like two sentences later: "alright, i totally think the same now, because these two sentences of you conviced me and changed my entire character and view of the world"

... that lets you roll your eyes, because its so obvious whats gonna happen next, it couldn't be more clear

this is not how:
- computers work.
- iPhones work
- holograms work (why can it only be seen by him, if its a hologram?)
- fire works (very bad "special" effects)
- encryption works
- space flights work
- gravity works

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Upload: 2x01 Welcome Back, Mr. Brown

The scene where Nora becomes a cat and sees the one moment Nathan kissed Ingrid was so predictable and cliche - it made me questioning if i should continue to watch this show!
Why did she drive out in the woods with her phone? and then just left it there? Its just really stupid, using a sac over their heads but taking their phone with them..
i hope the next episodes are gonna be better.

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The Equalizer: 1x08 Lifeline

worst episode so far.
FULL of clichés.
CHEESY as hell.
If the show continues in this direction, i will stop viewing it.

In this episode, it becomes clear that Robyn extremly unprofessional:
She makes so many rookie mistakes:
- not really hiding her 'so secret' identitiy, its like she don't even tries, her kid almost unveiled her identity by snooping arround for 2 minutes
- flying to another country and immediately taking control of the strike team
- 'commanding' the strike team very badly, don't secure the room at all
- her guns all look brandnew, when did she have time to polish them?
Also TBH i'm becoming sick of seeing more hacker clichés, they constantly make jokes on his cost and i don't like it,
without him she couldn't even survive one episode.
And BTW where does she even get money from now?
I know its only a TV Show, but come on! this could be done much better!

i almost drowned in clichés and cheesiness in this episode, cringed me to the bones.

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Timeless: 1x05 The Alamo

IMHO: worst episode yet. bad writing. unbelievable story.

more details, with spoilers:

  • all in all just too much patriotism, so many heroes, everyone is a hero, yey...
  • the "superbrain" Rufus needs 3/4 of a episode to figure out to use the granates.
  • just a unbelievable story, just from the perfect teeths of all the characters to the bad guy "Garcia Flynn" (who claims also to be a patriot, of course)
  • extremly forseeable
  • half of the time i was just saying: "oh COME ON! .. really?"
  • mom gives daughter a notice with the fathers name, what, really? :rolling_eyes:
  • now Wyatt also got PSD.. wow.

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Scorpion: 2x07 Crazy Train

i really do like the show, but this episode was really bad! just jumping on, and later off a 90mph train with bare hands, really? i think they could just make it a bit more believable by not doing ENTIRELY stupid stuff like in this episode.

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