

Amsterdam, Badhoevedorp

Get Out

S p e e c h l e s s... Also damn Jordan Peele is really dark inside which is totally unexpected. And the ending was perfect I was hoping it would turn out the way it did. 10/10 for me Jordan Peele really impressed me with this one.

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Game of Thrones: 4x06 The Laws of Gods and Men

Peter Dinklage is a fucking godly actor, and he especially shined this episode. Petyr Baelish, on the other hand, is a cheeky cunt and I don't trust him one bit. All in all, a fantastic episode, we got the dragons, the acting and some combat all in one!

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Game of Thrones: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere

What a bloody good episode!

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Jeeez his humor made me watch this a second time. And it did not disappoint. Deadpool 2 my balls are ready.

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Game Night

Such a great movie. The story was intriguing and original, the humor had me smiling throughout the movie, and then the characters. They were phenomenal. They had so much personality and character development, which I loved. Just watch this one already, will surely not disappoint.

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Cars 3

Makes me feel like I am 6 again when I was watching Cars 1 over and over again till it would drive my mother insane. (pun intended) But not only the nostalgic side of this movie made it great, the story was also a welcome surprise. First I thought it would be a really bland and predictable story about McQueen getting stronger and overcoming his new enemy, but it actually showed McQueen dealing with him aging and becoming old. And the plot twist at the end was also really unexpected, but nice. Overall, a good trip down memory lane.

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Deadpool 2

Almost killed A. Hitler goddammit Wade grow some bigger balls next time you have the chance.

But in all seriousness, the jokes were amazing imo so why not give it a go? While the plot was a little lackluster, that's not what you came here for. Watching Wade beat up the bad guys while some upbeat music is playing in the background totally makes up for it and makes this movie worth watching. And the humor of course, because you should laugh at least once when watching this movie. Otherwise, I have some bad news for you, my friend.

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The Big Sick

Beautiful. A heartwarming story about a forbidden relationship. I experienced all emotions possible, and that's when you know a movie is good. 8/10 highly recommend.

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Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: 2x04 Episode 4

Lmaos the ending of this episode was too funny. ''I don't even know what data roaming is." instantly shuts down phone Also the part where the kid was being annoying and Micheal saying: "What's dis child doing, fuck off", while dressed up as a clown. I mean Micheal is so funny this show is definitely worth a watch.

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I love me some good comedies. And this is one of them. I'm just blown away by how original, funny and thoroughly entertaining this movie was. Definitely give this movie a watch.

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Jurassic World

Shout by MoSu

Yess! Some good 2 hours of quality entertainment. I liked the horror path it was kind of taking where the mutant dino started killing everyone and everything in its path. I hoped it would end with the whole park destroyed and him having killed most dino's, but that wouldn't make for an interesting sequel. So the ending was fine too. Although not preferred. Loved the dino action and the fear the dino caused of him escaping its cage. Only the kids should've just hidden somewhere, instead of driving off into a park full of dinos.

I wanted to give this movie an 8/10, but the story was a little cliche and all. So a 7+ seems more reasonable.

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Free Fire

Such a simple movie deserves a simple review. It's a decent movie, has a lot of humor in it, but it just didn't work for me. Might be fun to watch with a couple of friends, but for me personally, the humor alone wasn't quite enough. Therefore a fair 6 out of 10.

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Baby Driver

This kid has the best taste in music ever. I envy him. I mean not his situation in life of course, but more his knowledge about music. Because my god the soundtracks here were on point. It had me jamming while a damn heist was going on in the background. The plot was fantastic. The movie was thrilling and exhilarating. And just the different take on the usual heist movie was what really interested me. Not just this is the plan, get in get out type of thing, but instead, we have this kid with a strong personality, no parents or siblings, and is stuck inside this shitty heist business, where he obviously doesn't belong in. I highly recommend it.

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Man of Steel

I was never a fan of superheroes, let alone Superman. I always thought that Superman was the lamest of all. The embodiment of peace, the handsome guy who saves everyone and does everything in the name of justice, without a single weakness. Until I wanted to watch Batman v Superman, so here I am.

And man I don't regret it. There is so much more to him than I originally thought. Aside from his sexy voice, he is a guy everyone could learn from. Especially to not give in to your own anger, but to keep your cool and walk away knowing you are the better man. Furthermore, the combat scenes were amazing and I could really feel the impact of the punches and the destruction they left behind. Just awesome. Although the destruction might have killed a couple hundred citizens, it didn't bother me that much because I'm not that nitpicky when watching movies. Although I can understand people can get triggered by it.

All in all, this movie captured Superman fantastically, and I now have a bigger appreciation for him.

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Doctor Strange

The visuals and effects were absolutely amazing. While the story is nothing to boast about, it's a great movie for introducing Doctor Strange into the MCU, and for leaving plotholes for future movies to fill. A recommended watch for anyone looking for a movie which will absolutely pleasure your eyeballs.

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