



Love the slowness

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Guns, "They completely detaches you from the guilt of your actions."

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Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

The documentary depicts the terrible practices of Scientology management, such as physical abuse in the Sea Org, denial of basic medical services, disconnection, and other issues of malfeasance.

This organisation is interested more by tax and money than well being of people.

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Stray Dog

"Questioning's a tricky business.
If you try to strong-arm 'em,
you lose. Just like Sumo.
I think we should give her
another try tomorrow.
Sure, that's fine.
But she's not going
to give us much.
That kind of high-strung girl
is as stubborn as they come.
Make 'em mad
and they clam right up."

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Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

"Get out, Goddammit!
Get outta here... you son-of-a-bitch or I'll kill you right there!
Will you get, Goddammit?
Move when I say move!
You motherfucker!
Look at me with your damn fucking eyes."

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Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai

Good intense revenge samurai katana fight story!

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Seventh Son

This movie is so bad. Casting, acting, story, directing.....Not worth your time

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After the Wedding

Shout by MrAniki

Jørgen Lennart Hannson: I am sick, damn it! I'm the one that is out of time. Jacob, I am dying. You have to stay and do what we have decided. Anna will need you... And Helene... And the boys... They're so young, Jacob. Look at me, Jacob! Don't you see that there is a point to all of this? You have a responsibility here, Jacob. Do I have to live on the other side of the world to get your help?

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Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

While getting a pay check ... do you get tears in your eyes?

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Why We Fight

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than thirty cities. It is two modern power plants each serving a town of sixty thousand population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than eight thousand people. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense.

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Denmark and Curb Your Enthusiasm meeting.

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One Sings, the Other Doesn't

The status of women in society had always been a key theme of Agnes Varda’s work but with L’Une chante, l’autre pas it takes centre stage. This touching portrayal of a close female friendship over a fifteen-year period tells, in microcosm, the story of female liberation in France the 1960s and 70s. The two lead characters appear on the surface quite different; Pauline – later nicknamed Pomme, or Apple in English – rebels against her middle class background to become a singer, while Suzanne, from a working-class rural background, frees herself from dependence on men and parents by finding work in a factory and later a family-planning clinic. What they share in common, apart from great strength of character, is a refusal to submit to the then customary view that a woman’s role in society was to act as a homemaker and mother, while remaining subservient to men. Through their personal journeys we get a flavour of the rapid changes going on in society at that time, especially the growing empowerment of women.

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The History of Aviation

Normandy, 1905. The picnic is over; the upper middle class party prepare to go home. They are waiting for just one last photograph, but someone is still missing from the group…

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God of Gamblers

When Rain Man meets Asia. Great Chow Yun-Fat movie. You can try Better tomorrow after

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Big Bad Wolves

Seriously weak and flat. Drama, Thiller, Comedy too many style at the same time. I did not feel any emotion. Bad movie for me. Feel like watching Usual suspect to erase that movie from my memory.

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